

I’ve always been a little weird unique, but it wasn’t until I recently became a mommy that I realized how different I am from the typical mama you encounter on the street.

Have you ever noticed that people like to slap all sorts of labels on one another?  I get smacked with all sorts myself, depending on the group I’m around.  I’m ultra-crunchy to my La Leche pals, but super-soggy to the Baby Wearing group.  I’m mega-cheap frugal to those who are closest to me, but am seen as an extravagant traveler to my former co-workers.  Some think I’m insane to have chosen to give birth at a birth center and others think I’m just plain silly for my attachment parenting leanings and choice to stay at home now.  People I share everyday meals with assume I’m a vegetarian, but I love eating some tasty dead-animal products now and then.  I’m a Christian who’s dechurching at the moment and I’m probably the klutziest professional figure skater anyone knows.

This is why I write this blog, to be an un-labelly spot for other offbeat mamas out there in the world.  If you find that you’re doing life a little bit differently than others around you … and you’re not interested in jumping on any pre-labeled bandwagons or joining any of those exclusive clubs… and you want to pick and choose what works for you in forming your own best life, then this is the place to hang out and feel comfortable!

I’m not entirely sure what trails this blog may travel down, but it will definitely follow the offbeat path I’m on at the moment.  Whether I’m making a new batch of homemade detergent, describing the joys of camping with a baby, or sharing the latest alternative learning idea (I’m on extended maternity leave from my Elementary teaching position), I’ll just be sharing whatever I’m up to and hoping that it adds something positive to your life.

We can form our own un-club club, okay?

Thanks for being interested in my little world, a world that is shared with my hunky husband G and our delightful daughter Gv and takes place in that state where winter weather means putting on the heavier leather sandals instead of the flip flops and Mickey Mouse lives just down the street.  If you want to get to know me even better, click over to my first post of 2014, The Alphabet Game, where I use myself as the topic and think about what subjects I’ll be exploring in the next year.