
NIV Inspiring Words Holy Bible: 52 Verses to Color

This unique Bible allows you to express your love of God through art, by coloring over 50 inspiring Scripture verses!

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I received a free copy of this product as a member of Zondervan's Z Blog Squad in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

I had mixed feelings about reviewing this new Bible:

I've mentioned before that although I do like coloring, I haven't jumped onto the Bible-journaling bandwagon.

I got excited recently when I discovered this devotional book that involves coloring, but today's Bible has me the most excited yet.

This colorful cover with its foil lettering is inspiring in itself!

I feel like I have finally found the perfect blend of coloring and faith for me.

Coloring Bible verses! How perfect!

This Bible is full of 52 perfect-for-memorization verses for you to color. 

The selected verses are perfect for memorization!

While these coloring pages could just as easily be contained within a stand-alone coloring book, I appreciate the fact that they're matched with the rest of the NIV text because then not only can I impress God's Word upon my heart while coloring, but I can look back and see it alive in its context, as well.

The full NIV version of the Bible - including the words of Jesus in red.

I have wanted to make more time in my schedule for being creative -- and I have also wanted to refresh my memory on previously-memorized Bible verses while adding more to my brain's file cabinet at the same time.

This Bible will help me achieve this goal!

I love how there are 52 verses in this book -- that gives me one a week to color and memorize and will allow me to do it at a realistic pace, too!

I feel these illustrations have the perfect amount of detail -- enough to be fun, but not too much to be overwhelming!

My plan is to spend just a few minutes each morning working on a new section of a page. That will allow me to tumble the verse around in my brain each day and then have a completed (& memorized!) work of art to show for it by the end of the week.

I feel like this Bible appeals to a wide range of ages. Children old enough for a full Bible who enjoy coloring would enjoy it, along with any creative adult you know.

It would also make a great gift -- one you could personalize in more ways than one!

I was thinking that it would be neat to not only fill out this presentation page for your recipient, but to color it, as well!

Get your own copy here and add some inspiration to your life!

Do you enjoy Bible journaling or coloring?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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