
5 Great Uses for a Cheap Shower Curtain Liner

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Learning to live as a family of three on a piddly teacher's salary is not without its challenges.  Luckily, G and I are both pretty unconcerned with "stuff" and love to come up with ways to re-purpose old junk treasures from around the house.  I've come up with five great uses for a cheap shower curtain liner that I think you'll love.

You can find cheap shower curtain liners at a dollar store (for only a dollar!), but sometimes they're pretty inexpensive at your local discount store as well.

Great Use #1:  Put it on your bed between the sheet and the mattress (cut it to whatever size works best for you) for a cheap way to waterproof things.  Early on, we realized that co-sleeping with Gv sometimes meant leaky cloth diapers overnight.  I couldn't believe how expensive waterproof mattress covers were, so I'm happy I thought of this way to save our nice mattress!   

Great Use #2:  Use as a ground cover under a sheet or blanket for a picnic.  This keeps the damp grass from seeping into your blanket (and clothes!) as well as adding another layer to keep out the chill, if you happen to be somewhere that actually gets cold.  (This photo was taken in the middle of winter - can't you see that Gv is all bundled up in her long-sleeved onesie to ward off the mid-70 wind chill as she plays with that grapefruit?)

Great Use #3:  Spread under a high chair to catch spills and make for an easy clean-up.

Great Use #4:  Cut a small rectangle (mine is 2 ft. by 3 ft.) and fold up to use as a changing mat in your diaper bag (this is my favorite idea!).

Great Use #5:  If you have rugs or carpet, use it to cover the floor during EC (Elimination Communication) sessions or anytime you’ve got your baby hanging out with a bare booty (which works wonders to solve diaper rash issues!).

Bonus Uses:  

There you go!  Super-cheap, super-easy, and super-effective!  Can you think of any other great uses I should add to the list?  Did you try any of these yourself?  If so, I'd love to hear about it (or see photos).  Comment here or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.     

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