
Answer Me This {Week 7}

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I'm joining in on the fun with Kendra at Catholic All Year for this weekly post:

1. Have you ever walked out of a movie?

No, but then I don't really see many movies in the theater.  I'd just rather see them at home, where I can get all comfy and sprawl out on the couch and munch on my own tasty popcorn.  I can think of a movie I wished I'd walked out of.  It was the movie, V for Vendetta , that came out around ten years ago and I had passes to the local science center, which has an IMAX theater that shows occasional new releases.  This IMAX theater doesn't just have a super-large screen, though, it's a dome.  Sounds neat, but the movie made me totally motion-sick from wrapping all that action craziness around my head and on top of that, the volume was just too loud.  I don't even have a clue what the movie was actually like (who knows, I might actually enjoy it) because I just spent the entire time with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed, praying I wouldn't vomit on the row in front of me before it ended.

2. What do you most often use for blogs and blogging: desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone?

Laptop.  I can't even imagine typing it all out on something tiny like a tablet or a phone! 

3. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

I'm sure I have, but can't really think of anything specific at the moment.  Definitely nothing very dramatic - it was probably something on the scale of a sticker off my Trapper Keeper at school, which would have been devastating, especially if it was a puffy sticker, or even worse, a scratch & sniff like these:

4. Do you identify as a member of a particular ethnic group? 


5. Do you abstain from meat on Fridays?

Although we're not vegetarians, we don't typically eat meat at home anyway.  But if we did, we'd just as soon eat some on a Friday. 

6. Seen anything weird lately?

Oh, gosh, tons.  When you're camping near Asheville, NC, you're never at a loss for seeing the strange and bizarre.  We had plenty of weirdness around our campsite, though, and even on our tent - in an orgy of daddy longlegs, which was actually pretty interesting to watch:
Hope that didn't creep you out too much.  Just remember: they're not actually spiders, they don't bite, and they eat all sorts of nasty bugs you don't want hanging around!

I'd love to hear your Answer Me This answers!  Leave them here in the comments or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.  Or, if you blog, then link up to the party and let me know you did here in the comments so I can go check it out!

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