
31 Days of Great Children's Music: Disney

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here


This was the first CD I owned.  I didn't even have a CD player (but my parents did) and although I bought Madonna's True Blue on vinyl and Phil Collins No Jacket Required on tape, I knew this album was special and needed to be of the highest possible quality.

You see, I grew up, not only in the time of The Wonderful World of Disney and The New Mickey Mouse Club, but also when every educational filmstrip shown to us in school seemed to feature some facet of enlightenment for Goofy or Donald.  And to top it all off, I grew up just minutes away from the mouse himself in Orlando, where my first trips to The Magic Kingdom were practically free (admission was like $3) and the most difficult decision I had to make was which one or two rides to use my E-Tickets on.

So the music from the Disney parks is pretty special to me (specifically Magic Kingdom and EPCOT), as are songs from all the classic Disney movies.  

These two albums

aren't being produced any longer, but there are many others out there to choose from, most of which include a mixture of classic tunes along with those from the newer movies.

These children's songs are all such a part of me; I can't manage to choose even a couple to highlight for you.  Besides, who doesn't know a few Disney songs, right?  Explore not only the tunes from your favorite movies (past and present), but from the parks, as well.  Even if It's a Small World never leaves your head, these songs should be a part of every family's musical library!


There are more activities to go along with all things Disney than the scope of this blog could possibly cover, so I'll leave it to you to Google them yourself, depending on your personal level of Disney geekiness.  But the activities are out there, my friends, I assure you.  

To Read

There are a gagillion books related to Disney, too.  These two, however, were my favorites (which I still have and am able to share with Gv):

More Music

Like I said, there are many, many albums of Disney songs out there now.  I have quite the collection, but did notice that some of these newer compilations include some classic songs that I'm missing, so I might have to explore expanding my library a bit.  Here are a few to start your hunt:


Classic Disney, or the newer generation?  Songs from the movies, or from the park rides?  What are your favorite Disney children's songs?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.  

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