
31 Days of Great Children's Music: What a Zoo!

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here


This is one of the most fun albums that we own.  The first song, "All the Animals," rates so high on the Gv Danceablity Scale that it's my go-to selection whenever she's in a grumpy mood.  I can put it on and guarantee I'll hear the patter of little feet as she runs off giggling to grab some dance partners before beginning her spins for the entire two and a half minutes that the song lasts.

I have to admit, the song's so catchy that I usually can't help but join her - it turns my mood around, too!

My favorite song might be "Mosquitoes."  Since those pesky rascals could be considered our state bird, we encounter them around our house far too often and I find myself singing this song whenever we do.  It, along with "Big Blue Whale" and "Possum," are so extremely catchy, but not in an annoying "It's a Small World" kind of way.

 Actually, just about every song on this album is catchy and great fun - it might just be my favorite.


  • Take a field trip to the zoo.  See if you can locate some of the critters the songs are about.  Hopefully you can do better than we did.  We found just four on our recent trip.
  • Put together a fun zoo puzzle:
  • Have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner - when it's not Thanksgiving.  The school I taught at did this every couple of months and I think it was always the #1 school lunch meal for both the kids and adults.  I could never get over how excited everyone would be when "Thanksgiving" day showed up on the new lunch menu!.  If you're really adventurous, eat Tofurky like the song on this album suggests, instead of real turkey.
  • Go on a butterfly search around your neighborhood or a nearby park.  Use these tools to help you:


Every household should have a set of animals to play with!  Gv has these cute finger puppets right now, but I see a tube of wild creatures in her future:

To Read

Dear Zoo is a delightful lift-the-flap board book about a search for the perfect pet.  Let's Go to the Zoo is larger than most board books, has adorable illustrations, and tons of flaps for little ones to lift and explore (perfect for bringing along when Mama has a dentist appointment, like we did today!).  We haven't read this yoga book yet, but I just love the idea of getting physical and making yoga poses more fun by imitating all sorts of zoo animals.

More Music

There are several other albums by Joanie Leeds & the Nightlights.  After enjoying What a Zoo so much, I'll definitely be checking these others out:

This album of great children's songs was a surprise - the songs are definitely fun for everyone and the music is better than I expected.  What do you think?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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