
31 Days of Great Children's Music: You Are My Little Bird

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here

I generally prefer listening to boisterous children's songs, but it's also nice to have a variety of tunes on hand when you're building a good children's music playlist and this album has really grown on me.

Elizabeth Mitchell's clear, pure voice reminds me a bit of Sheryl Crow.  In addition to several newer tunes, Elizabeth brings a fresh sound to many of the classic folk selections that have been around forever.

My favorite song is Little Bird, Little Bird.  I have copies of this song by many different artists, but this soothing version is definitely my favorite.


Become bird watchers - whether you head out to a local park or preserve, or spend time stalking the blue jays in your back yard, this activity can be a calm way to spend time together as a family and learn something new about nature.

Grab some binoculars like these and then gather some great books like these:


before heading outside to hunt for some new feathered friends.  Be sure to bring this mellow CD along with you - it's perfect for a quiet day full of bird-watching.

More Music

Just a few other great Elizabeth Mitchell albums:

Are you looking for children's songs that will be calming for your kids, but are a little livelier than lullabies?  Then this is the perfect album for you - mellow tunes that you can quietly sing along with during more peaceful activities.  I'd love to hear what you think - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.  

Linked up with:  Motivation Monday, What'd You Do This Weekend, Merry Monday, Thoughtful Spot, Mom 2 Mom Monday, Good Tips Tuesday, Totally Terrific Tuesday, Two Uses Tuesday, Do Tell Tuesday, Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, WFMW, A Little Bird Told Me, Homestead Blog Hop, {Almost} Wordless Wednesday, Fluster's Creative Muster, Grandma's Ideas, The Mommy Club, Ladies Collective, This is How We Roll, Frugal Family Linky, Hearts for Home, Creative Ways, Creative CollectionI'm Lovin It, Kitchen Fun & Crafty, Inspiration Spotlight, Awesome Life Friday, Home Matters, Pretty Pintastic Party, Front Porch Friday             


  1. Hey Lisa! I don't have kiddos, but as a kid I loved learning about different birds. It was a fun memory I share with my dad!

  2. I love finding new music for my boys! Thanks!

  3. Thanks so much for linking up to Merry Monday! Your post was shared via my twitter this morning! Have a great week!

  4. I love this series! We love to learn new music as a family@
    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

  5. I love this series! We love to learn new music as a family@
    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

  6. I love how you relate music to everyday ordinary things. Thank for linking up this week on the #HomeMattersParty link up. Looking forward to seeing what you link up this next week.

  7. What a great idea -- singing a song about little birds and then becoming a bird watcher! Thanks for sharing at Grandma Ideas Sharing Time link up!
