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Last Christmas was Gv's first, and I knew I wanted to create a special gift for family members that included art that she had a hand (or in this case, a foot) in, as well as a special photo of the cutie patootie.
I lucked out and found some great matted double-photo frames at the local dollar store, because even an armful of JoAnn's coupons couldn't bring the price of fancier frames within our budget.
Once I had the frames, I chose just the right photo for this project and had copies printed up at Sam's Club.
The easy part was done, now I just had to take care of the art part.
I began by cutting heavy watercolor paper into cards just a bit bigger than the second opening on the frame. I next painted Gv's foot with brown craft paint and then pressed it to the paper to make the reindeer's head.
That was the hard part. I never stopped to think about how difficult it would be to do this even once, much less twelve times (who's crazy idea was this, anyway?) to get enough copies for all the special people in our lives.
Gv, at seven months, was not in the mood to hold still enough for me to get a good print. I even tried some of these while she was sleeping. Some turned out better than others and I stressed about that fact for a while, but then realized that the smudges only added charm to the overall effect.
The final part was easy. I painted in antlers and then added the eyes and nose with my fingerprints. If I ever do this project again with Gv when she's older, I'll have her add the fingerprint eyes and nose herself.
I signed her name and put the date before getting everything in the frame and wrapping it all up.
Everyone loved their gift and the creativity put into it. Despite the difficulty in getting the footprints made, I really enjoyed creating this gift.

Are you looking for an affordable, adorable gift to make for your loved ones this Christmas?
Do you feel brave enough to try a project like this? I'd love
to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot)
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