
Celebrating the Season: Emmanuel {Day 26}

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Welcome back to Celebrating the Season!  If you're new around these parts, be sure to catch up on all the other posts in this series here.  Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of the fun from here on out, sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post, as well as some free printables, delivered right to your inbox.

Songs to Get You into the Spirit of the Season

This was always one of the records my family listened to while opening presents on Christmas Eve.  So many of the songs are great, but what makes this album so awesome is the single track that took up the entire "B" side of the LP, The Story of the First Christmas.  I love how Perry presents the story and the songs and sound effects that go with it.

Some Reading Sure to Garner a Great Response

If you didn't get a chance yesterday, take time today to read Luke 2:1-20.  If you did, read The Christmas Story from a children's Bible like this one (which has illustrations that I just drool over).

Faith Focus to Put You in a Festive Frame of Mind

If you haven't downloaded them already, make sure to grab your free coordinating printables to go along with this portion of the series.  

Day 26 - Emmanuel
Now that we've transitioned from Advent to Christmas, we're just down to a spotlight on music and books along with our Faith Focus each day.  We're also moving off the Christmas Trees on our printable and onto the presents under the tree as we look at twelve gifts God gave to us when Jesus was born.

Read Isaiah 7:14 and then Matthew 1:23 to see how Jesus lives out Matthew 5:17 (see verse in graphic below) and fulfills the prophecy that the Messiah would be called Emmanuel.

Add your first gift under the tree to serve as a reminder for today's verses.

What will you be doing to observe this Christmas Day?  Do you have any special traditions or family gatherings planned?  I'd love to hear!  Leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Join me throughout the rest of this season for more great ideas to incorporate into your family traditions to help celebrate this special time of year.  Be sure to pin the series landing page so you can find every post, or better yet, sign up for free updates so you don't miss a single suggestion and to get your free printables!

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