
Celebrating the Season: Samuel {Day 11}

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Welcome back to Celebrating the Season!  If you're new around these parts, be sure to catch up on all the other posts in this series here.  Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of the fun from here on out, sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post, as well as some free printables, delivered right to your inbox.

Songs to Get You into the Spirit of the Season

I went to find Chris Tomlin's Christmas album and discovered this gift pack for practically the same price score!  Glory in the Highest brings the best of what this award‐winning worship leader has to offer as he puts his own twist on many of the Christmas standards.  Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy) is my favorite song on this album, and one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs, period.  I just think it's the perfect incorporation of the old into the new.

An Activity to Add to the Jolly Atmosphere

Spend the day making Christmas a little more special for a child in need.  There are many great charities out there, but why not shop as a family for actual presents your child can pick out to really drive home the feeling of giving to others this season.  If you choose an age range similar to that of your own children, they can really get excited about finding the perfect gift to send off with love.

Operation Christmas Child is one of our favorite mission programs to support in this way.  You can fill a shoebox and mail it off, or find a local church collecting boxes, or even build a virtual shoebox online.  Although most churches collect boxes in November, the Samaritan's Purse organization accepts them all year long before sending them around the world to children in need. 

Other options are to participate in angel tree programs.  Prison Fellowship and The Salvation Army are two organizations that organize these efforts.  You can often find angel trees in corporate offices, stores, schools, and malls in your area.

Some Reading Sure to Garner a Great Response


Not only is this book filled with tons of fascinating Christmas compositions based on the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, but it captures your child's interest even further by sending him or her on a search for dozens of intriguing objects.  Do You See What I See?  is perfect for keeping your little ones occupied while you tackle that holiday to‐do list.

A Movie to Get You in a Merry Mood


Another great stop motion classic from my childhood, although it doesn't seem like this one is televised every year like so many of the others.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I've seen Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, but I certainly remember its narration by one of my favorite entertainers, Fred Astaire.  I will definitely be hunting it down to watch again this year! 

Faith Focus to Put You in a Festive Frame of Mind

If you haven't downloaded them already, make sure to grab your free coordinating printables to go along with this portion of the series.  

Day 11 - Samuel
Read 1 Samuel 3 to find out how the Lord called Samuel and then read Acts 13:20 for a New Testament connection.

Add your lamp sticker to the tree to serve as a reminder for today's verses.

What will you be doing to observe this eleventh day of Advent?  Can you add to our charity list by sharing others that can be found around the globe?  I'd love to hear!  Leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Join me throughout the rest of this season for more great ideas to incorporate into your family traditions to help celebrate this special time of year.  Be sure to pin the series landing page so you can find every post, or better yet, sign up for free updates so you don't miss a single suggestion and to get your free printables!

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