
Project Snapshot Week 57

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The goal of this post is to capture a memory from the past week, either with a camera, words, or both.  Time passes in the blink of an eye and this will create a collection of treasured memories from throughout the year.

My Snapshot(s)

It was difficult to capture a focused shot of Gv's antics this day because once she put on this crazy get‐up, she didn't stop dancing her little heart out.

I did manage to get one clear photo of her with a funny wild expression on her face, but this photo also seemed to zoom in on the seven‐plus pair of underwear she had draped around her neck, and nobody needs to see underwear that closely unless they're thumbing through a Victoria's Secret catalog!

Who knew Mommy's sock and underwear drawer could be so exciting, and provide so many hours of entertainment for this little gal?

Besides keeping her happily occupied for so long, I'm sure the activity is helping her practice her dressing skills.

What was your favorite memory from this past week?  I'd love to hear about it!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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