
Project Snapshot Week 59

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The goal of this post is to capture a memory from the past week, either with a camera, words, or both.  Time passes in the blink of an eye and this will create a collection of treasured memories from throughout the year.

My Snapshot(s)

It was an especially busy weekend and while at a birthday party on Sunday, G remarked, "I'm surprised you didn't bring the camera!"

Argh!  I knew I'd forgotten something while racing out the door.

It was really a shame because Gv was looking especially cute in a new little outfit from Christmas and the fairytale‐themed party included loads of adorable "scenes" for the kids to interact with ‐ like "Sleeping Beauty's Bed," "Help the 3 Little Pigs Build Their House," and even "Rapunzel's Tower," which led to several great photo ops of our little sweetie climbing up and then peeking out from the top.

All of which I missed.  :(

But we've got some awfully sweet snapshots burned into our memories.

Luckily, I did not forget my camera for another fabulous birthday party last week:

"I can do it all by myself!"
What was your favorite memory from this past week?  I'd love to hear about it!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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Mini Creations

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