We'd had a gross old wooden spice rack lying around.
This is just some photo of one on Amazon I found that got kind of close. I didn't take a before shot of the spice rack because it was too disgusting to remember! |
I didn't want any part of it in the house, but it had been in G's kitchen growing up, so he wanted to keep it. He said that surely we could paint it and do something with it, and he lucked out, because I came up with just the perfect thing.
Our bathroom only had one medicine cabinet in it and since it was next to my side of the sink, I'd laid claim to its real estate long ago. Poor G had no spot to keep his vitamins in, except under the sink, because littering the counter with a bunch of ragtag bottles was not an option I was willing to entertain.
We'd had a can of spray paint left from another project, so I yanked the rotting lintel off the nasty old rack, gave it a good scrub and a quick sanding, then headed out to the yard with my newspapers to get it all painted and looking fresh and new.
Not all the vitamin bottles G was using would fit on the shelf, but the taller ones sat perfectly fine up on top and I discovered quite a few empty bottles in the bins under the sink, so I was able to rearrange everything to make it all fit. I made up some quick labels using coordinating scrapbook paper for all the bottles containing relocated pills.
Over time, I hope to get everything into matching bottles (a vitamin we both use comes in a bottle that fits perfectly and has a green cap that matches the shelf color almost exactly). I'll also make new labels (on the computer, or at the very least, using better penmanship), but for now, this is an improvement, and one that turned a nasty old relic into the perfect solution for an organization problem we'd had.
So if you're looking for a better way to store your vitamins or medicine, try using a spice rack! Even if you don't have one to spare, you can find them pretty inexpensively online in all sorts of sizes and styles. You might not even have to do any painting ‐ how easy would that be? Here are a few neat ones I've found that you might want to check out:
A simple spice rack in sustainable bamboo
A wider wooden option, if you don't want to switch bottles
And finally, you can't beat Ikea for frugal, multipurpose items!
Has finding a better place to store your vitamins and prescriptions had you stumped? Try turning a spice rack into the perfect customized solution! What colors would you paint yours? I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.
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