
Project Snapshot Week 71

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The goal of this post is to capture a memory from the past week, either with a camera, words, or both.  Time passes in the blink of an eye and this will create a collection of treasured memories from throughout the year.

My Snapshot(s)

It was a weekend full of very unexciting things, like G grading until his eyes were crossed and bleary (just one month left, sweetie!) and me working on two projects for a class I've been taking.

Well, I worked on them the best I could, in‐between chasing down Gv, who seemed extra‐full of energy this weekend.

We'd originally hoped to head downtown for a free concert by our local symphony in the evening, but then realized it would end much later than our bedtimes and it's the type of thing that I have a hard time leaving in the middle of...especially when there are fireworks at the end.

I do love a good fireworks display.

So instead, we zipped down the road for an hour of Mother's Day playground fun before it got dark and G even stopped to pick up a yummy Greek treat for me along the way.

I dreamed of that gyro goodness all night long.

What was your favorite memory from this past week?  I'd love to hear about it!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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