
Tantalizing Thai Pizza

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Like I said last week, after my post about making homemade pizza for dinner every Friday night some readers have been wondering specifically what types of pizzas we usually make, so I'm sharing another tasty recipe with you today.

This one is a result of one of those times where I've got no clue what type of pizza to make, or even whether there's a single thing in the house that I can stick on a pizza, so I spend half the day opening and closing refrigerator, freezer, and pantry doors while shaking my head and considering whether "dough balls" might make an appropriate meal...

But then I discovered a bit of green curry paste, some frozen blanched carrots, a package of tempeh, and just enough mozzarella to barely top things off, so I grabbed a couple of onions from our seemingly bottomless basket and hoped that whatever came out was at least somewhat edible.

We've since had this pizza, in various forms, three times, so I think it's safe to say that I've found another winner.

What You Need:

2 pizza crusts

2 Tablespoons green curry paste (We actually use 4 Tablespoons, but we like things spicy.  I suggest starting with 2 and working your way up over time if you crave a bit more kick)

4 Tablespoons culinary coconut milk (I find mine in a local store much cheaper than this, but wanted you to see which kind I use)

2 sliced onions

1 package tempeh 

2 cups sliced or shredded carrots 

2 cups mozzarella

Other times, I've omitted the tempeh and carrots and used other vegetables we've had on hand, like broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, and bell peppers.  Go with whatever you have on hand that says "Thai" to you.

What You Do:

1.  Prepare your crusts (I usually bake mine without the toppings for about 12 minutes to get them crispy) and stick your onions in the oven on a separate tray to cook at this stage if you want them really thoroughly cooked.

2.  Remove the crusts and spread the curry paste over each one.

3.  Now squeeze out the coconut milk and spread that around, mixing it in with the curry paste.

4.  Add the sliced onions, carrots (or other vegetables) and crumbled tempeh.

5.  Cover with cheese.

6. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 400 degrees, or until as done as you want.

7.  Allow pizzas to cool just a bit before you slice them with your pizza wheel (that way the toppings won't slide around on you).

Are you a fan of Thai food?  What do you think about turning it into a pizza?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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