
Fun Felt Sandwich Gift

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I've shared with you many times how much I love making personalized gifts for others (babies, toddlers, preschoolers, family & friends, and even my hubby!), but I also love to receive homemade gifts and truly appreciate the time that goes into creating them.

Gv recently celebrated another birthday and she received many fun presents, but one of her favorites is this set of homemade felt sandwiches that are just so cute, I had to share them with you.

First of all, check out the adorable gift bag my talented friend made:

Not only did it serve as the wrapping for the present, but it stores the gift, too!  I have got to ask my friend how she made this, because I bet it's something that even I can tackle with my sewing machine.

Once Gv opened the pouch, she pulled out two plates and two sandwiches, all constructed of felt:

One sandwich looks like slices of bread (stuffed a bit to make them puffy) and contains cutout felt pieces in tan and purple for peanut butter & jelly:

The other sandwich is a a burger and composed of a bun (complete with sesame seeds drawn on) and has all sorts of cutouts for the meat patty, lettuce, cheese, tomato, pickles (she even drew little details on these slices), and condiments:

Even though the bread and bun pieces are stuffed with a bit of batting, there's no sewing involved in this project at all.  Like the plates (which encase a piece of cardboard), the bread pieces are held together by glue‐gun glue and all of the sandwich innards are just cutout pieces of felt.

Gv has already spent hours playing with this new toy, and has even discovered my drawer of felt scraps and has been "making" other things with those pieces, too.  I thought about cutting them up with specific purposes in mind, but when she takes a random triangle‐shaped piece of pink felt, sets it on top of a full gray sheet, and brings it to G declaring she made him "cake," I realize that it might be best just to leave everything alone and let her imagination take charge. 

Do you enjoy receiving handmade gifts as much as I do?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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Not sure jelly would be my choice for a burger addition, but whatever floats your boat...
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  1. That is so cute! My kids LOVE playing in their kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is super cute! I know the kids would just love this. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday:-)

  3. Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing your idea on the #OMHGWW this week, it reminds me of quite books my mother-in-law used to make for all the kids, sure makes for some quite time.Hope to have you visit again this week.
    Have a great day!

  4. Felt is such an amazing material to use in kids activities and this is a great idea for gift. Thanks for linking to the Family Frugal Linky.
