
Project Snapshot Week 81

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The goal of this post is to capture a memory from the past week, either with a camera, words, or both.  Time passes in the blink of an eye and this will create a collection of treasured memories from throughout the year.

My Snapshot(s)

We finally came down from our month in the mountains and stopped on the way home to spend time with some very dear friends.  This family really knows how to have fun - besides spending time on the lake in the kayaks, eating delicious food, popping oodles of bubbles in the big bathtub, celebrating a special girl's birthday, and laughing till our sides were splitting and tears were streaming down our faces, they pulled out this 100-foot-long piece of plastic for some slip-n-slide action like you've never seen before!

What was your favorite memory from this past week?  I'd love to hear about it!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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