
Thrifty Toys That Just Keep Going

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After writing my 24 Thrifty Toys for a 2‐Year‐Old post the other day, I figured it was worth checking in with some of the previous thrifty toy post selections to see which ones were still huge hits and going strong, even though Gv is older now.

She's moved on from some of the items featured earlier, but I was surprised at how many are still holding her interest, even up to a year later!

 From the 10 Month thrifty toys post:

  1. Old magazines (which are really just free grocery magazines that come in the mail)
  2. Cheese container (except I replaced the blocks with a set of large dice, since she's been into building things with the blocks lately)
  3. Tissue box stuffed with scarves (although now I've relocated the scarves into an old wipes container, to make it more challenging for her)
From the 13 Month thrifty toys post:

  1. Sticks & rocks
  2. Towels & washcloths
  3. Greens container
  4. Zippered pencil case & change purse (Whoops, I'd forgotten I'd already shared these when I wrote the 24 Toys post.  Oh well, they're that good and deserve to be shared twice!)
  5.  Headlamp (although now she'll turn it on the red setting, hold it up to a dresser drawer or wall, and say, "Whooo!  Owl!" for excitement)
And everything from the 20 Month thrifty toys post:

Have you been surprised at some of the toys that have had real staying power around your house?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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