
Rainbow Room Hunt

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This is a fun activity that we did to go along with our focus on the Flood story from the Bible during Gv's Latticed Learning time.

Gv had such a great time with my rainbow scavenger hunt idea from St. Patrick's Day, so I came up with a new variation that was not only super-easy, but turned out to be a huge hit.

I started by writing the word "rainbow" on a free-form cloud that I cut out of white construction paper:

I was happy with the word "rainbow," but when we repeat this activity next year, I might write "promise" in rainbow colors instead.

Then I took some of the leftover paper strips I had from this party so that I'd have one colorful stripe for each color of the rainbow.

I sat in the family room and began the game by showing Gv the red strip of paper.  I asked her what color it was, then told her to go find something in her room that was red.

This is what she found (and I'm just going to warn you that you might get motion-sick from these photos, because Gv was so tickled at showing off her treasures that she never did hold them still enough for me to get a clear photo):

I wrote "Elmo" in red marker on the paper and then had Gv tape it to the back of the cloud.

We repeated that process with orange...

...and I wrote "Pom pom shaker" on the orange strip.

Next up was yellow:

This was a duck "whistle," similar to this, that her cousins brought her back from one of those duck-boat tours.

Next, she went off to search for something green:

...which was the pepper shaker from her toy kitchen (similar to this one).

When we got to the color blue, this is what she found:

...a flyswatter that I'd had in my classroom for students to "read the room" and point to things with.

Finally, she went off in search of something purple:

...and picked out this little bunny from her Easter basket.

Once all the strips were added to the cloud, we hung it up in her room.  

I didn't expect this, but in the days following this activity, I'd hear her in her room looking up at the rainbow, calling out the colors, and then finding other things that would match.

I'd say that shows that this idea was a big winner!

This idea would not only work for a study of Noah's Ark, but to learn the colors or as a fun St. Patrick's Day activity as well.  When would you use it?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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