
60 Days of Happiness, by Randy Alcorn

A biblically-based devotional book built around our God-given search for happiness.

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I received a free copy of this product from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

Who doesn't want a little more happiness in their life?

Noted theologian and bestselling author Randy Alcorn received so many encouraging responses to his larger book Happiness that he reworked much of the material to create this collection of short, self-contained meditations that can be used as a standard day-at-a-time devotional:

Of course, you can always just plow through the entire book at one sitting, but I really enjoy being able to work through a book's concepts on a daily basis - it helps all the greatness sink in a bit better!

When I learned I was being sent this book to review, I made a few assumptions about it based on other "happiness" titles I'd read in the past.

But when my copy arrived in the mail, I realized I need to leave those assumptions out there in the mailbox.

My first assumption was with the cover. The book is smaller than average (about the size of a 5x7 photo) and devoid of a book jacket.

At least, a "normal" book jacket.

A sleeve over the back cover in place of a traditional book jacket!

It may be common to find this on books nowadays, but this was the first time I'd seen a book jacket as a simple sleeve on the back cover only.

It was a little odd at first, but I quickly realized I liked it (no shifty jacket that I'd just take off and set aside while I read the book so it doesn't get messed up) and I don't know whether the publishers did it intentionally for this reason or not, but it also saves some trees!

The sunny yellow of the cover is the perfect choice for a book on happiness - I felt happier already, just having it sit there beside me!

My second assumption about this book was that it would be of the "name it claim it" sort. Not that I'm 100% against that theology (God does promise us certain things, after all), but I've just encountered some proponents who seem to lose the biblical aspect of this assertion and focus on mainly on looking for happiness in all the wrong places.

It didn't take many days of reading through these devotions for me to realize that this assumption of mine was erroneous, as well.

Alcorn spends quite a bit of time discussing the debate between happiness and joy in addition to seeking to answer questions about whether happiness is even something God wants for us or whether it's possible to be truly happy in such a fallen world.

For each of the 60 days, Alcorn begins by posing a question about happiness, followed by a pertinent Bible verse and related quote from some of church history's most noted names. He then spends 2-3 pages fleshing out the day's topic before closing with a prayer.

There have been several of these daily readings that I have found especially interesting to ponder. Questions relating to whether or not happiness is unspiritual, if there's any happiness beyond that which is selfish and superficial, and a breakdown of the differences between happiness and joy are just a few that rolled around in my brain all day after I read them.

But what I most appreciated in Alcorn's book was how he made sure to remind us that we can find lasting and settled happiness by embracing a biblical worldview and by looking at our lives through the lens of redemption, which provides permanent and multiple reasons for us to be truly happy. 

This devotional was the perfect thing to start working through in the new year. I know many friends who choose a word to focus on every January 1st and this would be the ideal accompaniment for the word "happiness."

Regardless of whether it relates to your New Year's goals or not, if you want to explore happiness a bit more in your own life, I suggest checking this book out. Grab your copy here and learn how to enjoy God's gifts!

Do you think you can ever be too happy?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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