
Say & Pray Devotions by Diane Stortz, illustrated by Sarah Ward

A perfect way to start sharing devotional time with your little ones!

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I received a free copy of this product in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

Gv and I spend quite a lot of time each day focusing on the Bible, but I was excited when I came across this little book so we could begin integrating a short devotional time into our lives, too.

I think this sturdy board book is the perfect introduction for tots to use as a tool and to begin spending time each day reflecting on and talking with God.

Its 21 pages cover the topics of God's world, God's gifts and God's love and include a short "lesson" blurb, applicable Bible verse, and simple prayer.

The bite-sized amount of content on these pages is just right.

Each two-page spread is also filled with sweet illustrations and loads of labeled objects to keep the attention of your young readers.

Your child will learn new vocabulary at the same time!

Whether you have a child just learning to read sight words or a baby just being exposed to new vocabulary, this book will help you teach about God and start a life of faith.

What I love most about this great book is how each prayer is focused on thanking God for something.

So often we come to God with our lists of troubles or concerns - or all sorts of other things that we want from Him, so I think it's great to highlight the many ways we can thank Him for all He's done for us.

If you're looking for a great book to give as a gift or just wanting to begin a devotional tradition in your home, then be sure to check this title out. It's probably best for birth through preschool-aged children, but I suspect it would be a hit with the younger elementary crowd, as well.

Have you started a tradition of daily devotions with your child, or are thinking about it?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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