
Have You Roe'd Yet? (free giveaway!)

Even if you subscribe to the "leggings are not pants" camp, you'll want to grab a pair of these buttery-fabric hugs!

And there's more to the merchandise than just leggings...

Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. This means if you click on a link and purchase something, I'll receive a small affiliate commission at no cost to you. Thanks so much for supporting my efforts with this blog!

I received samples of this product from my friend Heather, but was not required to write a review.  All opinions are my own.

Okay, quick: which side are you on?

Are leggings pants, or not?

I remember a leggings craze of yesteryear - we're talking way back, when I was in high school. 

Whenever fads like that would pop up, the items would be way out of our family's clothing budget, so my amazing mom would lovingly sew me a whatever it was so I could try it out for myself.

Way back all those decades ago, I quickly learned that my skinny little monkey legs and leggings were not a match made in heaven.

Seriously, think about a flamingo (check my header for inspiration) and then paint bright burgundy skin-tight pants on the thing, and that's pretty much what I looked like, walking around the halls of William R. Boone High, back in the day.

So when my pal Heather said that I had to try a pair of these world's-softest-leggings on, I just laughed.

No one wants to see that, I assured her and the rest of the playgroup moms gathered there.

But then I put them on and Oh.My.Goodness. 

These clothes make you want to dance!

They really did feel just like butter! Who cares what I looked like? I never wanted to take them off! If I weren't already married, I'd want to get married in them - heck, I might even marry them, they're so fabulous!

(Not really. Love you, G!)

But seriously, it was awfully difficult to peel those soft slivers off my legs and pass the leggings on to the next gal (hard to believe, but they pretty much fit everyone!) and when Heather so kindly gifted me with a pair later in the year, I was over the moon.

I've actually even worn the things out in public - twice. And one of those times was to church!

It's hard not to look church-appropriate when you've got such cuteness in your arms!

Now, despite everyone's assurances that my legs looked totally fine in the things, I am still not completely a leggings-are-pants girl. I have two sweaters that could double as dresses and that's pretty much the only way I'll wear these things out of the house.

But in the house? That's a different story entirely.

If the temperature even starts to think about dropping below boiling-hot lava, you can pretty much guarantee I'm wandering around the house in these suckers - and I might just have left them on and slept in them a night or two as well!

But what really makes LulaRoe leggings stand out, aside from the buttery softness, is that they have all these awesome, funky patterns:

Who can help but grin when you're wearing something as peppy as this? (Kim Geraci photography)

It's pretty hard not to smile when you're walking around in some slithery sunshine all day, right?

Whether you have a bold personality that can rock a ton of color or want something more subdued, you're sure to find something you love! (Kim Geraci photography)

And LulaRoe tops and dresses are comfy, too - I love how well they all cover the tush, which makes pairing anything with those leggings a breeze.

Check out how completely appropriate these outfits are - not an exposed bum in sight! And the coverage is fabulous for all shapes and sizes - even a sweet pregnant belly like the adorable mama on the right is well-covered! (Kim Geraci photography)

LulaRoe makes clothing for kids, too! Gv has this dress and it's pretty much all she wants to wear, day in and day out!

Fun patterns and slinky fabric make for some super-comfy clothes for kids!

And it's not just kids or soccer moms who look great in these clothes - even grandmas (the two group shot photos above include a grandma, and I bet you'd never guess she was one by the way she's rocking her outfits!) and great-grandmas, too:

Check out these two amazing ladies - this much appropriate fabulousness is not what I think of when I hear the word "leggings!" (Kim Geraci photography)

If you're not convinced that you need at least one pair of these leggings for yourself, then here's your chance to try them out for free! 

Enter below for a chance to have Heather ship you a pair of buttery-soft leggings of your very own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

And while you're waiting to see if you snagged the free leggings (contest closes 2/12/17), pop on over and join Heather's Facebook group, where you can shop from your very own living room!

There are so many options with these comfy clothes! (Kim Geraci photography)

For personal shipping or if you'd like to host a local or Facebook party (which is so easy to do!), then just drop Heather a line at

Have you had a chance to try something by LulaRoe yet?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

Life's lovely in LulaRoe leggings!

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  1. You're the cutest, and so is Gv! I'm with you on the not-pants-in-public.... but wear them with anything long enough to call a tunic! ;P

  2. We don't own any yet, but my daughter and I are going to modle LulaRoe this weekend for a friend :0)

  3. I love my LLR legging but I have a very hard time wearing them out of the house no matter what top I have on... weird because I'll wear my yoga pants everywhere! But I have to agree that they are the softest, most comfortable leggings ever.

  4. Leggings are so pants! I don't wear "real" pants anymore. It's so much comfier that way. Thanks for linking up! #fridayfrivolity

  5. I entered since I've been on the fence about LLR for a long time. Thanks for the chance to win, love. #FridayFrivolity

  6. Leggings are sort of pants. As long as I have something long enough to cover my bum.

  7. They suit you to a T Lisa and I am a jeggings fan so I am one step away from leggings ¬¬

  8. I have one pair of LLR and they are glorious. I'm so jealous you got a pair of black ones as those are really hard to come by! I entered! Keeping my fingers crossed. #FridayFrivolity

  9. I prefer pants but do have a couple of leggings. My problem is quite opposite of yours, my legs look too big!

  10. Lisa, you look adorable in your leggings. I am the opposite of you, I have short legs that are not as pretty. But I have been wearing leggings all winter. Either alone, for bed and home, or under my pants to keep me warm. I have ventured out a few times with just the leggings and a long sweatshirt or top, I am warming to the leggings trend!

  11. That's so awesome! I don't have Lularoe yet, but I do have Sweetcheeks but it's so awesome to have comfy leggings!!

    Thanks for sharing at #bloggerspotlight

  12. Pretty and comfortable clothes. They look awesome.

  13. LOL Lisa, you can soooo wear leggings, your legs are gorgeous. If I looked half as good I'd be strutting my stuff down the road and to church every day

  14. Leggings- are very common in India, and you seem to have perfect legs for them. Thanks for joining the Bloggers pit Stop

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