
Something to Stand For by Mike Rowe

Filled with true stories of American Heroes, this movie narrated by Mike Rowe would make the perfect patriotic addition to your 4th of July plans!

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Disclosure: Many thanks to TBN for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

I wasn't initially drawn to review this movie, but after I watched the trailer and recognized the narrator's voice (from this hit show), I changed my mind:

I actually haven't seen any episodes of that tv show, but I've heard previews for it at my parents' house and always thought the host (Mike Rowe) had a great narrator voice.

So even though I wasn't an established fan of Mike Rowe already, when the trailer explained that he'd be telling interesting stories about some of our country's main heroes, I was all in.

I love history and since it's always fun to learn new, unique facts about a person you already think you know everything about, I was looking forward to watching the film.

The movie opens with Mike sitting at a desk and telling the audience a bit about why he created this movie. Apparently he also has a podcast called "The Way I Heard It" (that sounds very intriguing, so I'll probably need to check it out!) and that inspired this film.

He takes the audience on an epic journey to the heart of Washington DC, transporting viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more.

G kept saying through it all, "What's the point?" (he wasn't seeing enough of a common thread to make it work for a movie) and I just kept responding that I didn't get why it was a movie format and not a tv series. To me, that would have been more interesting--plus I think it would be a series that could last a while, since I'm sure there are unlimited interesting stories like these about people in our country's history.

Mike Rowe says at the end of the film to send feedback (there's a QR code on the screen) about whether he should make more movies like this in the future, so that tells me he probably has other ideas for other stories already--I say make them all into a new series!

I thought each vignette was entertaining -- I really liked the "mystery" aspect and how I found myself trying to figure out who the famous person in the story would turn out to be. We all guessed quite a few and I liked how sometimes the actors portraying the characters were in modern-day dress and the descriptions vague to throw you off the track of what time period it was.

The first one did that and it was definitely fun to see the rest of the story unfold.

Gv was busy doing something else for most of this movie, but joined us for the final story and guessed it right away. It seemed very obvious to me from the start, but that might just be because she and I had encountered that side story several times during our school work.

I'm still not sure why someone would want to go to the movie theater for a show like this, but we're not big theater people anyway. I think it would be great as a series (and some of these stories would be fun additions to NPS films!) and I definitely think anyone who enjoys patriotic- or US-history themed media would love it.

It would certainly be something fun to see for 4th of July if you're wanting to escape the crazy heat wave or your cookout plans are rained out! Buy tickets today to see Something to Stand For in theaters starting June 27th!

#SomethingToStandForMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Would you be interested in seeing something like this in theater, or are you more like me and would prefer it in a show? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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