
31 Days of Great Children's Music: Hide 'Em in Your Heart

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here

I've owned these three albums for just about twenty years.  That's right, I bought them in my twenties and now, almost twenty years later, I finally have an excuse to play them without seeming like a weirdo.

Okay, so the weirdo title might fit anyway, but I come by it honestly (see crazy cousin photo here).  And besides, it's cool to be weird!

But it all boils down to the fact that I've enjoyed listening to these children's songs years before Gv came along and now I'm super-excited to share them with her.

Semi-Celebrity Run-In
Back when I was in junior high, our church youth choir had this big 4th of July concert with Steve Green (thanks to that concert, I can still say the preamble to the U.S. Constitution), so I've known for a long time that Steve Green is cool.  It was pretty neat getting to sing with him, and no surprise finding out that he's sold a ton of praise & worship albums over the years.

This particular album is full of fun praise & worship songs that are tailored for little minds and hearts:

These next two are really my favorites.  In these, Steve takes Bible memory verses and puts them to music.  That means that not only are you enjoying the songs, but you're hiding the Bible verses in your heart by memorizing them at the same time!

As I've recently shared (see also Preamble comment above), putting facts I need to memorize into a song is one of my best memory tricks.  So these two albums are an easy way to memorize more Scripture.

Plus, the songs are just fun to listen to.

Gv enjoys dancing around to them already, but I'm looking forward to the day when she begins to hide the words in her heart, as well.

And you never know when one of these songs might pop into your head to remind you of a bit of wisdom.  Any time I encounter a problematic person, I can't help but hear "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" echoing in my brain!


Looking for More Music?

I discovered a few other series that look worth exploring.  I haven't heard any of them yet, but will definitely be checking them out after reading the reviews:

Are you looking for great children's songs that also teach your kids about God, or are you like me, and just think these could help you memorize Bible verses yourself?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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