
31 Days of Great Children's Music: Whoever Shall Have Some Good Peanuts

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here

The initial strains of Sam Hinton's soothing voice always send me back to camping in the mountains of North Carolina, where I could be "settin' a spell" on the front porch of an old pen and listening to the latest antics of a nearby huntin' dog.

This folk-filled album of children's songs also surprisingly reminds me of several television shows:

The song "Michael Finnegan" makes me think of Monk and the episode "Mr. Monk and the Airplane," where a kid tortures him with the "Pete and Repeat" joke:

Pete and Repeat were in a boat, Pete fell out, who was left?  Repeat!  Pete and Repeat were in a boat, Pete fell out, who was left?  Repeat!  Pete and...

It also makes me think of "The Nothing Song."

And I can't help but picture this scene whenever I hear "The Crawdad Song:"

But I must confess, the whole reason I got this album in the first place was due to the fact that the title song "Whoever Shall Have Some Good Peanuts" makes me think of Rory Gilmore's comment to Lane, "I must listen to anyone named Claudine Longet."

Oh, yes, I definitely have the entire season on DVD.

The album's second song, "The Green Grass Growing All Around" reminds me of The Irish Descendants' song Rattlin' Bog , which is appropriate and tons of fun for kids, but not the entire album (kid-appropriate, that is).

One of the songs, "Little Old Woman All Skin and Bones," gets me every time - I jump and scream without fail at the end.  Listen to it yourself and see if you can manage to sit still without being startled!

Despite the fact that this is a more mellow album, I still think most of these songs are just a lot of fun.  Gv enjoys them, too.  She especially has fun trying to imitate all of the animal sounds found on so many of the disc's selections.


  • Go on a family fishing outing.  See who can catch the most fish, the longest fish, or the silliest un-fishy item (like a can or old shoe).  If you're brave and it's legal for your area, fry up your catch for supper!
  • "The Barnyard Song" is full of fun farm animal sounds.  Try and make them with your child and then follow it up with a great board book like this one:

  • "3 Foolish Piglets"also includes some fun sound pig sound effects.  Read a version (or several, to compare & contrast) of "The 3 Little Pigs" to go with it:
  • "The Frog Song" has more great animal sounds - who knew that frogs made so many different noises?  Go for a walk one evening and see which ones you can identify.  Don't live in an area with frogs?  Then check out this book:

Looking for More?

If you're looking for more folk ballads, then check out Sam Hinton's other album, I'll Sing You a Story:

Introduce your little one to some great children's folk songs - are you any good at making realistic animal sounds like Sam Hinton?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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