
5 After 5, Introductory Edition

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As I mentioned in last week's Answer Me This post, I've been working on my own idea for something similar ever since the weekly party ended last year.  After the fun came to a close back then, many readers requested that I just start it up again on my own, but after thinking about it, I came up with my own twist on the concept that I was planning to begin this summer.  

Once Kendra started her party back up for June & July, I put my plans on hold until she ended her Answer Me This run.  Last week was the final installment of this fun "virtual cocktail party" - so here I am to kick off my new endeavor.

Inspired also by 52 Lists and after continuing to get requests to start the Sunday thing up again, I decided to create a fun post for the weekend:  A list of 5 "whatevers" for a topic (not necessarily favorites) that happens every Saturday (after 5 weekdays, get it?)

At the end of each list, I'll post the next week's topic so you can be thinking of your response throughout the week and then show up on Saturday to join in, too.  You can leave your answers in that week's comments - or if you blog your list, you can leave the link to your post there, too.

If there are enough friends here leaving links, I'll turn this feature into a link party!

So what will the first list of 5 be?

List 5 things beside your bed right now

Do you think you'll join in the fun? I sure hope so! 

One of the best parts about participating in Kendra's "virtual cocktail party" was getting to read all the fun answers from everybody else!  If you're a blogger and you know you want to join in already, then tell me in the comments below and I'll go ahead and set up the link party for next week!

And if you're not a blogger, I hope you participate, too. Start thinking of your list!

Should I go ahead and set this weekly post up as a linky party?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Linked up with:  Merry MondayMotivation MondayThoughtful SpotMom 2 Mom MondayWhat'd You Do This WeekendTotally Terrific TuesdayTwo Uses TuesdayLou Lou Girls Fabulous PartyTell it to Me Tuesday, Good Tips TuesdayTalented Tuesday, Wordless WednesdayA Little Bird Told MeWFMWHit Me With Your Best Shot, The Mommy Club, Summer Family Fun PartyCreative MusterGrandma Ideas, The Ladies CollectiveThis Is How We Roll, Frugal Family LinkyCreative WaysHearts for HomeCreative Exchange,I'm Lovin' It,Kitchen Fun & Crafty, Inspiration SpotlightHome MattersPretty Pintastic PartyFront Porch FridayWeekend PotluckAwesome Life FridayCreative Collection


  1. This will be fun way meet new bloggers! I found your site through the #ThoughtfulSpot and I am living your posts! The title of this post really caught my attention on the Everything Kids Link-up and I would love to be a part of it. Please let me know if you'll consider having a co-host once it's a Link-up because we can have fun doing this!

  2. I just looked through your posts and LOVE this idea. If you wanted to make it a Link-Up I'd love to cohost and be apart of it. If not then let me know if you'd like to make it a link-up because I'd love to participate :) I'm also going to send you an e-mail.
