
5 After 5, Smelly Edition

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 of your favorite flowers and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger).  I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!

List 5 of Your Favorite Smells

1.  Orange Blossoms

Coincidentally, this is G's favorite smell, too.  I guess that's not too unusual for two Florida natives.

I grew up in a neighborhood surrounded by orange groves, so this scent surrounded me for most of my life.  I could never get enough of it when those buds started popping - I'd hang out the open car window sniffing just like a dog to try and soak up every little bit I could.

There's actually a grove right up the road from us now and whenever we take an evening walk together during orange blossom season, we know we'll be spending a good chunk of time just standing in front of all the trees, inhaling like a bunch of smokers just off an overseas flight. 

2.  Peculiar Rotting Plant Smell

I don't even know how else to describe it, but there is a specific rotting-plant smell that I spent my days with along the West Highland Way and every so often, I'll encounter it again - which takes me back to the breathtaking views and 100+ miles of that amazing hike.

The last time I caught a whiff of it somewhere was just after G and I had gotten married.  We were taking an evening stroll around the neighborhood down in Miami and I caught the scent on the light breeze that accompanied us for most of the trip.  Poor G - I made him traipse all over creation trying to help me locate it, so I might finally figure out what in particular created that specific odor.

We never did figure it out.

Guess I'll just have to head back to Scotland someday...

3.  Vinegar

I've pretty much used only vinegar to clean my house for the last twenty years, so the scent of vinegar gives me all kinds of clean-house warm fuzzies.  I must confess, though, that it's a rare smell to encounter around our home these days...(I don't know who could be keeping me so busy!)

4.  Night-Blooming Jasmine

This stuff covered the wooden fence outside my bedroom window growing up and so whenever I smell it, I get all nostalgic for my wonderful childhood.

I bet if I smelled it today, I'd have some sort of Pavlovian response and go drink out of a hose while barefoot in the backyard or something.

5.  Malibu Musk

This perfume says, "Senior Year" to me and reminds me of all sorts of fun things that made up that time period in my life.  I could never wear it today, though - I stopped using perfume when I learned I was pregnant and now it's just too overpowering for me and makes me feel sick to my stomach.

For next week:

List 5 of Your Favorite Sauces or Condiments

What do you put on your fries, hot dogs, or burgers?  Is there something strange that you have to use to "dress up" a particular dish?  I can't wait to hear what weird combinations you come up with!

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

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