
Latticed Learning: Week 2

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Welcome back to another installment of Latticed Learning!  Today I'll be sharing the second week of our journey with you.  You'll get a chance to see what we did, the resources we used (click here to see what we're using week after week), and hopefully come away with lots of fun ideas for things to do with your own little one!

Bible Lesson

Adam & Eve (pages 14-25 in this Bible and 13-19 in this one)

Memory Verse

Matthew 7:12 - This is the second song on this album, which I've raved about before.  I also created this card:

to post on the fridge each week (and then add to a mini photo album from the local dollar store when we take it down) and I'm amazed that Gv can say this first verse - minus the reference - by herself already!

You can download your own copy of this card for free here!  Want the whole set right now?  Get them here.


Benedict (I know nothing about the lives of the saints, but when I saw these cuter-than-cute cards, I decided they gave me the perfect excuse to learn!  They're honestly more for me than Gv at this point, although she can put the name to the card after having it up on the fridge and talking about it all week.)


(Print out your free "B" phonics card here!)

Topic to Explore

School/Toys/Playing (Because school and learning should include plenty of fun!)


Circle (I'm kind of going in order of vertices/sides and each one will last for several weeks.)


1 (Like I said in this post about the alphabet, we'll talk about all (well, maybe not all) the numbers every week, but I'm choosing one to focus on each week and you'll see some repetition as time goes on with a few of them.)

Best Books We Read This Week 

Timothy Goes to School

Am I the only one who can relate to this book?  There would be some new trend at school, and by the time I got whatever it was from someplace cheap like the flea market or my mom made me that shirt in the latest style, everyone had moved on to something else.

The Blue Balloon

It's fun to see what this blue balloon will do on each page, but we especially love the unusual fold-outs it has - they're really unique!

Splat the Cat


We love Russell the Sheep, so it makes sense that we'd love this other book by Rob Scotton.  There are so many neat details for an observant mom or dad to pick up on in the illustrations and Splat learns that not only can school be fun, but he has much to learn about being a cat.

Knuffle Bunny

I don't know what I love most about this book - the cool way the illustrations incorporate both photographs and drawings, or the hilarity of what can happen when embarking on a simple errand with a small child.  I can tell you that my favorite part of the book is when Trixie goes "boneless," because some days it seems I live with the Jello-bone kid.  Since I have a dear friend who lives in The Netherlands, I feel like I'm getting a hug from her every time we read this book (Knuffel means "hug" in Dutch), although I have to admit that I usually pronounce the word "nuffle" instead of what I know is the correct way of "Ka-Nuffle."  

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten

As a former elementary school teacher, I love how this book shows all the craziness surrounding the first day of school from the teacher's perspective - I can't think of a single one of us who wasn't as frazzled as Miss Bindergarten is, leading up to those first few days!

Other Great Books We Read

Froggy Goes to School

Clifford's Class Trip

David Goes to School

If You Take a Mouse to School

Tiptoe into Kindergarten


Mrs. Toggle and the Dinosaur

Franklin Goes to School

Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books

Songs We Played By

I went through all the children's songs on my iPod and created a playlist just for this week.  Here are some of the best selections from our list:

Do to Others from this album helped Gv learn our memory verse

Eraser from the album I talked about here

I Want My Diploma from this album

The Bean Bag Song from this post

Where Do They Make Balloons? from this group's No! album

Play Day by this beautiful-voiced artist

And so many more, but I'll let you search through your own music collection to see what types of songs you can add to a playlist.

Videos We Explored

This video matched up with our Bible lesson perfectly.

We did "B" things on this site.

We watched this clip and a few of the others for the letter "B."

How We Played

We did a couple of things to learn about Adam and Eve:

Since Gv enjoyed week one's Creation story in a ring book so much, I created one to go with this week's lesson.  In case you missed the post, you can read all about it and download your free printable here.  Not only have these little gems been a real hit with Gv, but G and I love hearing her retell the stories with the help of these cards, too! 

Next, we role-played the story.  To do this, first we had to set the scene:

We started by creating our own sneaky snake.  I let Gv color a paper plate:

You can see that week one's coloring pages are still going strong - and you can even get a sneak peek at our "A" graphic, if you look carefully!
I'd just intended for Gv to decorate the plate so that it'd be more colorful, but she surprised me and actually drew a snake!  Do you see it?
Then I cut it out in a spiral pattern.  She glued on a couple of googly eyes and a red construction paper tongue, then we were ready to hang him up in her room:

We made a tree out of a toilet paper tube, some construction paper, and pom poms:

I had to glue two craft sticks in a "V" shape on the back so that the paper wouldn't fall over with the pom poms attached.  There are 14 pom poms because I had Gv count out how many she wanted to use - and guess what - she can only count to 14 {grin}
Finally, we grabbed a boy and girl doll from this toy to be our Adam and Eve and then we were ready to reenact the story!

We also did a couple things (besides reading books) to correspond to our school/toys/play topic:

We played with bubbles:

We went on a school supply search (This wasn't anything fancy - I just let Gv explore all our supply boxes and then she'd ask, "What's that?" if she couldn't name the item.  This was followed by experimenting with new tools such as hole punchers and brads, which of course was loads of fun.)

And finally, we played catch with a ball (She's been able to throw a ball for a while, but it wasn't until this week that she was finally able to catch a ball successfully.  We used a basketball for this and Gv is still excited to practice her new skill with Daddy every night before bed.)

Looking for all the great posts associated with this concept in one place?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

What's your favorite thing that we did this week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox. 

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