
Creation Book

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You'll be able to see what my first week's Latticed Learning framework is like in my next post coming out this week, but today I'm sharing another fun activity that Gv and I did to go along with our focus on the Creation Story in the Bible.

Besides adding something to our Creation Box and eating special food each day, we also added a page to our creation book daily to illustrate what we were learning about.  As you'll see, Gv did everything herself for these pages (for the most part), so the final product is in a true two-year-old style:

Day 1

I took the graphic idea from these cards that I'll talk more about in my next post.  I liked keeping look of this day consistent, since the idea is kind of abstract for a little one. 

I cut out the black and white triangles out of construction paper and let Gv glue them down (she's totally obsessed with squeezing out glue at the moment).  I did adjust them on the red sheet before adding the words, though (my OCD got the best of me!)

Day 2

We got out two different shades of blue construction paper and then cut one in half using these fun scissors (well, Gv did the first snip and I finished the line).  We pulled out some of our vitamin-bottle-cotton stash to use for the clouds before Gv glued it all down at the top.  She then declared that more waves were needed, so she added some with blue marker.

Day 3

This one was easy and one of the most fun to do.  First, we took our brown construction paper and a bottle of glue out to the backyard...

Then Gv collected pieces of grass, leaves and tiny flowers.  She squirted glue all over the page, then plopped her finds down on top.  Finally, she shoveled up some dirt and scattered it all across the page, like you'd do with glitter.  I just love how this page turned out!

Day 4

Gv began by covering a blue sheet of construction paper with star stickers:

Then she added two big puddles of glue and covered each one with a pom pom: 

Day 5

This page looks like such a hodge-podge mess to me, but Gv kept discovering things she wanted to add and she loves it, so that's what matters.  We started with a blue sheet of construction paper and then added a strip of light blue (that was basically just the part we'd cut off from it on day 2 - no waste!) across the bottom third to make a bit of a separation between the sky and water.

Gv covered the top part with whatever bird stickers we had and the bottom with whatever sea life stickers we had, but she wasn't done.

She added a few craft feathers to the top bird section and then she discovered the fish, crab, and whale paper punch-out pages in one of the sticker books we had from the local dollar store. 

More gluing ensued and the sea creatures weren't quite assembled according to the directions, but they were good enough to give the idea and finally get glued on to the bottom section of the page. 

Day 6

I couldn't come up with anything better than these animal and people stickers for this day - besides, I was still worn out from all the projects we did for Day 5's page!  

Day 7

Looking back, I guess I could have come up with more to add to the two green craft sticks to make them look more like "trees," but after six days of straining my brain for ideas, I needed a rest!  I wrapped a rubber band around the sticks to give the idea of a hammock and then we set a little clothespin "person" (mine were from my classroom, but these are really cute) nestled within the hammock to signify God resting.

We needed to really pour on the glue for this page, and you can see by the dried streaks all over the paper that Gv really took the "more glue" directions to heart.

I ended up not making a cover for this book because once we were done with all the pages (mainly all the crazy additions to Day 5), I realized that instead of stapling it to bind it all together, our version would work better hung up for display along our mantel...but then Gv enjoyed "playing" with these pages so much each day, we just left them stacked up on the end table in the family room.  They're still there, weeks later, because she still likes to haul them out to go through and tell the story with.

That tells me this idea was a winner!

It may not look fancy, but this child-created book is a huge hit in our house.  I'm going to keep brainstorming ideas for the Day 6 page for next year, do you have any suggestions?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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