
5 After 5, Best Art Edition

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 of your least favorite household tasks and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger).  I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!

List 5 of your favorite art pieces

Looking at all that great art during our recent Latticed Learning fun had me exclaiming, "That's my favorite!" for just about every one.

But I'm thinking that surely I can narrow down my very favorites to a list of five...


I've hinted at two of these already in this post, and I'm lucky enough to have seen every one of these in person...

1.  The Garden of Earthy Delights

Weird stuff, but I love it.  Hieronymus Bosch has loads of strange paintings I could stare at for hours, but none beats this one for me.

2.  A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grande Jatte

Ever since I saw this movie way back when it came out, I've been in love with this painting.  Now that I've seen it in person, I still feel the same, although just about anything Seurat has done gets me all jazzed.

3.  Houses of Parliament, Fog Effect

Monet painted nearly fifty bazillion versions of this scene, and I like pretty much every one of them.  Which is fun and handy, because since there are so many paintings in this series, I pretty much get to see a different version of it in just about every museum I visit!

4.  David...& the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

I know, I know, I cheated.  But it's just impossible for me to choose between these two Michelangelo masterpieces, plus these two pieces totally changed how I saw the world and appreciated art forevermore.

It's so big (the statue, silly, get your mind out of the gutter!) and just so difficult to describe how amazing the detail is - so I won't even try, but just hope that you get to see it in person yourself some day!

Boy, was I happy to get here before the sun came up - not only did I not have to wait in a line that stretched down the road and into the next country (literally!), but by the time I'd traipsed through approximately 7,593 rooms full of the most incredible art in the world and thought I'd never want to look at another painting again in my life, I wound up glancing up at this, with the entire rest of the day free to just lean against the wall and develop a crick in my next from staring up at it for hours...

5.  Las Meninas

I've always loved this painting, but I'll be honest and say that there's a different one that really belongs here for number 5...but I can't remember what it's called and can't find the photo I took of it hanging in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich and so until I stop driving myself crazy trying to track it down, my #6 becomes my #5.

I do adore this painting, though.  I just love how much is going on in it - especially the fact that "we" are being painted by Velasquez himself...and then "we" can see ourselves in the little mirror in the background... 

For next week:

List 5 types of candy you love to eat

Are you hoping that your someone special gives you something sweet to eat tomorrow?  Think of five of the yummiest types of candy that you love to eat and let me know next time if you received some!

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Linked up with: Social Butterfly Sunday, Homeschool Nook Link UpHappiness is Homemade,  Merry MondayMotivation MondayThoughtful SpotWhat'd You Do This WeekendMade for KidsMeet Up MondayTotally Terrific TuesdayLittle Learning Link Up,Tuesday Pinspiration,Let's Be Friends Blog Hop
Two Uses TuesdayHip Homeschool HopLou Lou Girls Fabulous Party Tell it to Me Tuesday,  Talented Tuesday, Wordless WednesdayA Little Bird Told MeWFMWEverything Early Childhood, The Mommy Club, Creative MusterParty in Your PJs, The Ladies Collective,  A Little R&R WednesdaysThis Is How We Roll, Creative WaysHearts for HomeCreative Exchange 100 Happy DaysHomeschooling SecretsShine Blog Hop, Yum Tum Linky, No Rules Weekend Blog PartyThursday Favorite ThingsI'm Lovin' It,Kitchen Fun & Crafty, Inspiration SpotlightHome MattersPretty Pintastic PartyWeekend PotluckAwesome Life FridayCreative CollectionThe Beautifully Creative Inspired Family Fun FridayFriday FrivolityBloggers SpotlightMake My Saturday SweetWeekend Wind-Down Party,Friday Features Linky


  1. I love Las Meninas! And the Parliament Fog one is amazing.

    I'm more of a modern art girl myself... I love Jackson Pollock, Mondrian, Warhol, etc. I always taught those to my munchkins in Kindergarten, and it was SO fun... when we went to the museum in Atl to see a display of all those guys they were literally elated... a very happy memory. ;P

  2. Michelangelo really was amazing! The Garden of Earthly Delights is so fascinating, I love art that you can look at over and over and still find something new every time. I'm a big fan of the pre-raphaelites too and Mucha - I never tire of Mucha. :) #FridayFrivolity
