
Piquant Pâté

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I shared in a recent post how fond we are of picnics and how our favorite meal to bring along on these excursions is our fancy-schmancy chicken salad.

But one of our additional favorite fancy-schmancy picnic treats is this yummy chicken liver pâté.

Actually, this pâté is one of our favorite treats, no matter where we are, and it's a must for our Christmas Eve fun food spread.

Gv loves this dish, too - she'll even eat a bowl of the stuff right off the spoon!

Chicken livers might not sound terribly appetizing, but I dare you to try this spread and not fall in love with the flavor explosion you'll experience in your mouth.

Plus, you'll get a double-dose of iron to fight off anemia, which is always a good thing, unless you're working on your vampire un-tan.

And just be warned, this is a very loosey-goosey recipe.  But that's because G is the master pâté-maker around here and he's just always very loosey-goosey with his recipes, in general.

The good part about that is that you can play around with this recipe quite a bit - switch out herbs and spices and wines and just really have fun with it!

What You Need

2 pounds chicken livers

1 stick melted butter

1 chopped onion

6-8 cloves garlic (but remember, we really like garlic!)

pepper (no amounts for this or the other herbs/spices, because G just shakes the "right amount" in...but to give you a guide, it's probably between 1-2 teaspoons for all of them)






1/2 cup port or red wine (we've used both and both taste wonderful)

2/3 block of cream cheese

What You Do

1. Caramelize the onions and garlic in the butter.

2. Add the liver to your pan and cook until it's brown on outside, but still pink on the inside.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients (except cream cheese), continuing to cook for about 5 minutes longer.

4. Remove pan from heat and mix in the cream cheese.

5. When everything is cool enough to safely handle, dump the contents of the pan into something like this that blends and process it all until it's a nice, creamy texture.

6. Refrigerate your spread until it's well chilled, then spread it onto crackers, fresh bread, or be like Gv and just eat it with a spoon!

Chicken liver pâté - what's your take?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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  1. Ohhhhh liver pate... you are fancy! And brave! This is me year of food adventure though (so far tried ceviche, kombucha, and sardines) so I might just have to give it a try...

    Where do you buy liver? Is it frozen or in the meat counter? Do you treat it just like regular meat? ? :P

  2. haha loosey goosey recipe's are the best! it makes them easier to adjust for yourself! we don't really eat a lot of pate at home but it's always a favourite for family events so this is a good one to have in the arsenal! xx

  3. Thanks for sharing this incredible recipe with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)
