
Latticed Learning: Week 25

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Welcome back to another installment of Latticed Learning!  Today I'll be sharing the twenty-fifth week of our journey with you.  You'll get a chance to see what we did, the resources we used (click here to see what we're using week after week), and hopefully come away with lots of fun ideas for things to do with your own little one!

Bible Lesson

Disciples (pages 308-313 in this Bible and 221-225 in this one)

Memory Verse

1 John 4:16 - This is the fifth song on this album, which I've raved about before.  I'm also creating cards for this second set of verses and will let you know when they're available.

We post these on the fridge (and then add them to a mini photo album from the dollar store at the end of the week).

Until set two is out, you can find the first set of cards here.


Yvette (I know nothing about the lives of the saints, but when I saw these cuter-than-cute cards, I decided they gave me the perfect excuse to learn!  They're honestly more for me than Gv at this point, although she can put the name to the card after having it up on the fridge and talking about it all week.)


(Print out your free "Y" phonics card here!)

Topic to Explore



Octagon (I'm kind of going in order of vertices/sides and each one will last for several weeks.)


4 (Now focusing on writing the numbers, since our first go-round took care of counting and recognizing them).

I printed four of these to a page, then slipped the sheets into a page protector and let Gv trace the numbers with a wet-erase marker

Best Books We Read This Week

Tick Tock Clock - we love the cute illustrations in this one, but I'll warn you that your child might walk around repeating, "Tick Tock, Tick Tock!" over and over after you read it...

Today is Monday - to be honest, I've never really been a fan of this title, but Gv loves it and it's simple enough that she can "read" it herself.  Wednesday - ZOOOP!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - colorful, counting, days of the week - this book is a must-have for every home library and is probably one of our top five favorites.

Around the Clock! has fun illustrations and silly associations for each hour of the day.

Telling Time is a good one for just introducing the idea of time and how long some things take.

Other Great Books We Read

Tick Tock Clock

Cookie's Week

A Second, a Minute, a Week with Days in It

Days of the Week

Wacky Wednesday

Songs We Played By

I went through all the children's songs on my iPod and created a playlist just for this week.  Here are some of the best selections from our list:

G-O-D Is L-O-V-E from this album helped Gv learn our memory verse.

We continued singing this song all week after we listened to it a few times.

This song is always a fun one to get up and moving to and this one is hard not to sing along to (of course, now I want to pull out those movies to watch!)

Tracks 4 & 11 off of this great album were perfect to listen to and really helped Gv remember the names of the days and months.

And so many more, but I'll let you search through your own music collection to see what types of songs you can add to your own playlist.

Videos We Explored

Gv did "Y" things on this site.

We watched this clip and a few of the others for the letter "Y."

We headed back over to this great website to learn this song and this one for the months and days.

How We Played

We did a few things to learn more about the 12 Disciples:

Since we already had Easter on the brain, these fun "Disciple Eggs" gave Gv a chance to nestle the chosen twelve into a carton for display.

I just printed this page out onto cardstock for her to cut and place in the spots, but after she finished, I was thinking that it would be cute to hide these cards inside of plastic eggs for her to find - or to modge podge paper versions onto hard-boiled eggs, for a different take on traditional decorated eggs.

Craft stick puppets always seem to be a hit with this girl, so I hunted up some cute graphics so we could whip up a set.

This matching card game was just what I was looking for - and it not only included the Apostles, but Jesus, as well.

I always love the funny characters on the Jesus Without Language site, so we made two different things from the resources we found there:

First, a funny, mixed-up Disciple Flip Book:

And then, a cool (although tricky for us to glue together) Disciple Dodecahedron:

We also did several things (besides reading books) to correspond to our time topic:

We played around with an old learning clock from my classroom:

I found a really cute free printable pack that went along with The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Gv cut and arranged the story order cards and would even sometimes match the cards up with the pages as she read the story.

We also spent lots of time playing with this number clip game.  

The best way for her to play it at the moment is to lay out all the numbered clothespins, choose a space on the wheel, count the items shown, then find the matching numbered clothespin.

She could only play the game in the reverse direction (choose a clothespin and then look for the matching space on the wheel) for the numbers 1 or 2, which I thought was interesting, development-wise.

I'd thought about dragging out my classroom calendar and setting it up for Gv to use, but quickly realized that it would make more sense to wait a year or so before tackling that project.  (Plus, I was just too lazy to go hunt for it in my teaching bins in the garage!)

I also considered printing out this colorful calendar, just because it would match Gv's rainbow room, but decided to save ink (& also the headache of messing with it each month) for the time being.  

We did use these little preschool chants and I also printed out these cute Months of the Year cards for Gv to put in order and mess around with.

What ended up happening is that we talked about the different months and who had birthdays in each month (she's been really into birthdays lately) and so that's pretty much where her focus was, whenever she played with them.

I took a thick craft stick, colored seven different-colored sections (rainbow colors, of course) and then wrote the days of the week in coordinated colors on seven wooden clothespins.

As she matched up the clothespin to the correct spot (going off of the colors, at this point), I would tell her the names of the days, usually followed by our singing of the Happy Days song, or another days of the week ditty.

Finally, I'd planned to create this colorful rainbow spinner since Gv is beginning to grasp the concept of "yesterday, today & tomorrow," but we were gone part of the week camping for G's spring break, so I just never got around to it.

I like that idea better than what I used with my classroom calendar, so whenever I do break down and drag that mess out, I'll be creating this fun tool to go along with it.

Looking for all the great posts associated with this concept in one place?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

What's your favorite thing that we did this week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

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