
31 Games - Feed the Woozle

Is your 3-year-old the youngest of the family, or are all the kids your child plays with close to that same age?  If so, then you know how difficult it can be to find ways for them to all be involved in the fun and games - so many choices are just too advanced for this age.

But now, you'll have a list of 31 unique games that even a 3-year-old can join in with.  A few of these ideas will be best for the preschool set, but most will work for a wide range of ages!

Click on over here to see the full list, but read on for this great game idea!

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A silly cooperative game that involves not only counting, but fine and gross motor skills along with the usual gamey things like taking turns, rolling a die and spinning a spinner.

One of the neatest aspects of this game is that it has three different levels - which means mixed ages can all play together and still be challenged!

Feed the Woozle

Feed the Woozle

Players:  2 - 5 

Ages:  3 +

Place:  an area to set up the Woozle, set out the game pieces, and enough space to walk between the two

Equipment:  this game

How to play:  The Woozle is set up a short distance (like 10 feet) from the players and game pieces.

The first player rolls the die and then counts out that many "silly snacks" (like toenail toast or silly socks) to scoop up in a special spoon and walk over and feed to the Woozle.

Once the player successfully does this (you can't drop them along the way!), (s)he picks up that many "yummy" cards and returns to the group.

The play continues until the group has collected 12 "yummy" cards and wins (yay, team!)

To make the game more challenging, older players must spin the spinner and travel in a different manner (spinning, hopping, walking backward), which obviously makes dropping a snack more likely.

The third level of play involves a blindfold.

Regardless of the level of play, this game is certain to produce plenty of giggles and get the players moving!

This game is like a mash-up of a board game and a relay race. Have you ever played anything like it before?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

Looking for other fun ideas of things to do with your little one?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

This post is part of the write31days challenge!

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