
Friday Frivolity, Scary Movie Edition

It's time for this week's edition of Friday Frivolity - the blog party for all things fun, funny, hopeful & happy!

Just wait until you see what we dug up for this week's theme...

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At last week's party, we remembered the late, great Gene Wilder - in all his goofy glory.

This week, we're gearing up for the big spook day and highlighting scary movies.

I actually despise horror movies, but I do occasionally enjoy a thriller...

Not even touching the movies of this guy, because his stuff's just genius!

First off, I think I've only actually seen one true horror movie in my life (although I'm pretty sure I couldn't escape portions of Friday the 13th growing up - because it was everywhere):

I'll never forget my screams and squirms as I watched this:

Here's another one with a looney-tunes woman:

I don't even know if I could handle watching this one again:

The house from this might still be my favorite - although I'd stick it in the mountains, instead of on the beach:

And then there's a whole stream of Kirk Douglas movies that freaked me out:

But the most memorable thriller to me was this:

Because who could even imagine Hans Solo/Jack Ryan/Indiana Jones as a bad guy?

Now, on to the link-up! 

The Hosts:

Host, Lisa, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits.  She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more!  Her latest post is "Passport to Fun: Italy" -- all the recipes, music suggestions, costumes and more that you'll need for an awesome Staycation "trip" to Italy!

Friday Frivolity Host Sarah Eliza from Devastate Boredom

Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living life with laughter and intention!  Her blog is your spot for Capsule Wardrobe how-to's and inspiration, humor, encouragement, life-hacks, Read / DON'T Read book reviews, and more!  Check out her latest tips for an awesome fall & winter wardrobe, capsule-style!

Host, Audrey, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Audrey is a wonderfully eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore - "MUsings NOt FOod RElated."  Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more!  She's posted the cutest little candle craft - you've got to go check it out!

Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more!  She recently added Thursdays to her list of amazing link parties, day-by-day!

Calling all bloggers looking for an upbeat and supportive group of pals to join in hosting the weekly #FridayFrivolity par-tay!  We are hoping to add to our ranks of dedicated hosts and co-hosts, and would love for you to consider joining the fun!  Co-Hosts are welcome on a temporary basis (usually a month), while Hosts make a more ongoing commitment.  :)  Swing by here to express interest and ask any questions! 

Featured Post from Last Week:

In a fun twist, since we have four hosts and co-hosts we will also have FOUR FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other three blogs to see if you were featured there!  ;)    

The featured post for Syncopated Mama this week is........

Shelly's done it again and gone and written all the thoughts in my head about unschooling!  I went on a rant in the comments section on her blog (not at her, of course), but basically I just loved how she pointed out that unschooling doesn't mean you turn your brain off, hand over your parent card, or have to lock yourself in a compound and become the newest cult member.

There are so many wonderful aspects to unschooling, which you can take advantage of without keeping your hands completely off your kids at the same time.  Go read her post for more!

Now, the new stuff! 

This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy.  That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot. 

If you're just here to have fun, skip the rules and start clickin'! 

Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay! You are welcome to link up to 3 posts, and old posts are always welcome!  To improve traffic to your site, try to link posts we might not have seen in a while... keep it fresh!  :)

There are three rules only: 

We're so happy you're here! Let's have some fun!

What fun do you have planned for the weekend?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

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