
Latticed Learning - Ruth

Learn while playing with Latticed Learning!  This week's Bible story has plenty of activities to go along with it - keep reading to find out more!

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Welcome back to Latticed Learning!  This year, we're continuing to learn while we play - repeating many of our favorites from last year while adding in all sorts of new activities as well.

This day's post is devoted to our weekly Bible stories - some weeks have more activities than others, but each lesson will help your little one grow closer to God!

Read the Bible


Pages 152-155 in this Bible and 131-137 in this one

Read a Little More

We think books are the best around here, so it's always fun to discover great new titles.  I wasn't familiar with any specific books for this week's lesson, but I did find several that look really great:

Ruth and Naomi
Ruth and Naomi

Ruth and Naomi

Thank You, Ruth & Naomi

Sing Some Songs

I didn't come up with many songs for this lesson, but I did come across this one and also this:

Watch Some Videos

We found several great videos that emphasized the story of Ruth:

This was a good start.  Then we watched this one:

We watched the entire DVD for this story (got it from the library), but here's a clip to give you the idea:

Here's another short one:

I'd found this longish-video and hadn't expected Gv to get into it, but she ended up really enjoying it:

Play and Create

We did a couple of things to learn more about the story of Ruth:

Gv took Linus-Aquinas outside on the leash (unnecessary, since our backyard is completely fenced) so that he could follow her like Ruth followed Naomi.

Of course, what actually happened was that he led her around...

I then gave Gv a baggie full of cracker pieces.  She walked around outside, eating some herself, but purposely dropping some for Linus-Aquinas (since Boaz told his workers to leave some grain for Ruth to collect).

For something new this year, we had fun saying this little rhyme that I slightly adapted from here:

Ruth and Naomi trusted God.
If you think so, give a nod.
Ruth and Naomi trusted God.
God took care of them - let's applaud.
Ruth and Naomi trusted God.

I printed out the "Ruth and Naomi" and "Ruth and Boaz" stories from here, then we chose a few pictures to stick on the wall and be our sequencing cards for the week.

It has been neat to see which pages Gv has chosen to represent these stories - they're pretty much the same ones I would pick!

Then I cut out little teardrops of wheat and scattered them for Gv to collect in a basket:

It's always amazing how a simple activity like this can be so fun for her!

I wrote the words "where you will go I will go (Ruth)" on each of those pieces of wheat (anyone else hear the theme from Gilmore Girls right now?)  We rolled up a sheet of newsprint paper and tore down a few strips from the top (I got the general idea from here), then stuck the wheat "kernels" to the exposed portion using double-sided tape:

This turned out so cute!
Gv really had fun parading around with her stalk of wheat!

I liked the idea I'd read about here, so we made our own little paper braid to remember how Ruth joined her life to Naomi's.

This was a bit tricky for Gv, but she managed with a little help from me.

Next, I printed out this sheet of grain, punched it full of holes, then let Gv sew it all up:

This is one of those activities that is just awesome for developing fine motor skills (helps with handwriting!)

I started off by showing Gv which holes to thread next, but then she said she wanted to sew her own design - why not?!

Finally, we finished everything up by grinding our own wheat:

It's easy to grind your own wheat! Find wheat berries in the bulk section of your store, then attach this to your KitchenAid stand mixer and let it do all the work!
And then we made sticky buns (Because Naomi and Ruth stuck together!)

I made two varieties of sticky buns from my one batch of brioche bread machine dough. The bottom one is a classic, gooey version and the top one was filled with strawberries and then slathered in cream cheese frosting.

Looking for all the great posts associated with this concept in one place?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

What's your favorite thing that we did this week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered straight to your inbox!

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