
Read and Share: Look, I'm Reading! Bible Storybook (A Tommy Nelson publication)

A clever way to share Bible time with even your tiny tots!

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I received a free copy of this product in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

Gv's been into rebus books lately, so I knew this cute little shared-reading Bible storybook would be right up her alley!  

It's always fun to involve the little ones in the reading experience.  Asking tots to identify items in an illustration, questioning them about what you've read, and having them fill in the missing parts to a repetitive story are the most common ways to interact while reading with them.

But a rebus book like this one takes the involvement a step further.

See all those pictures? They're what help involve your child in reading this Bible with you!

Just in case you don't have experience with rebus books, they substitute illustrations for certain words to help early readers out with tricky text.

This story substitutes pictures for the words "Jonah," "people," and "ship." Go over what the pictures stand for before reading the story, then allow your child to chime in with the correct word whenever its picture appears!

Besides its unique rebus format, I like this Bible storybook for two other main reasons.

One, its illustrations are adorable:

I'm such a sucker for fun illustrations like these!

And two, it includes a good variety of Bible stories, including a couple that I haven't found in most other children's Bibles.

I like that this bit is included - it's so helpful to place many of the later stories into context!

With over 90 stories, this Bible storybook will keep you busy reading for a long time.

Its shared format is perfect for reading while all snuggled up in a lap - and the length of each story makes it just perfect for your bedtime routine (if I read anything too long then, I'm out before I turn the page!)

As soon as it arrived, Gv and I immediately added it in to our Latticed Learning readings each day. I like using a variety of sources to convey each story we study and this is a fabulous addition to our collection.

One of our favorite Bible stories. What are some of yours?

You know how I'm always pointing out books that are great to cart along with you on appointments? Well, this is another great addition to that bag!

Because your child will be able to at least read the pictures, it's one that can keep him or her occupied alone for quite some time, especially if the stories are already familiar.

This book is so cute, I recommend it to anyone, but it is especially perfect for children falling into the birth through preschool age range.

You can order your own copy here!  

Do you like the idea of this type of Bible reading with your child?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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