
Latticed Learning: Appearances and Ascension

Learn while playing with Latticed Learning!  This week's Bible story has plenty of activities to go along with it - keep reading to find out more!

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Welcome back to Latticed Learning!  This year, we're continuing to learn while we play - repeating many of our favorites from last year while adding in all sorts of new activities as well.

This day's post is devoted to our weekly Bible stories - some weeks have more activities than others, but each lesson will help your little one grow closer to God!

Read the Bible

Pages pages 459-472 in this Bible and 333-339 in this one

Read a Little More

I was not familiar with specific books to go along with this week's story, but I did find a few that looked promising:

Jesus--to Eternity and Beyond!

Goodbye--for Now

Jesus Returns to Heaven

Bible Big Books: Jesus Appears to His Followers

Sing Some Songs

Watch Some Videos

This video matched last week perfectly, but it still fit for this week, as well:


This one from Saddleback Kids was great, too:

Play and Create

We did a few things to learn more about Jesus' appearances and ascension:

First, I traced Gv's hands (you know how much she loves that!) and we used a heart punch to show the spots where the nails had been, since that came up during our readings on Jesus' appearances after the Resurrection.

This prompted Gv to ask why Jesus did this for us...

Since our Bible talked about how Jesus told the disciples to throw their nets on the right side of the boat after a night where they caught no fish, Gv did some "fishing" with a kitchen spider while I told her which hand to use (to practice right and left, although she's known that for a while).

This craft reminded me of something we did back in this week, but it was fun to make again while we talked about The Great Commission:

Then we made several things to illustrate Jesus' ascension:

Gv enjoyed the Zacchaeus craft in week 31 so much, I figured she'd enjoy this reversal:

This simple windsock was fun for Gv to flutter behind her back while running around the house shouting, "Jesus! Jesus is alive!"  

I quickly hung it up on the mantle after G and I had to rewind our episode of The Mentalist for the fifth time because we still couldn't hear what Jane said. 

A sheet of white paper taped into a cylindrical shape with this glued onto the front, then tape some strips of tissue paper to the bottom and you're all set!  So easy!

Poor Jesus was probably worn out after Gv sent Him up and down, up and down half a zillion times while playing with this cup craft:

Going up...

I know this photo is fuzzy beyond belief, but it should still give you a better idea of how to create this craft - just glue some cotton around a plastic cup, then punch a hole in the bottom to thread the yarn through.  Tape the Jesus printable to the end of the yarn and then pull Him up, up and away.

Looking for all the great posts associated with this concept in one place?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

What's your favorite thing that we did this week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered straight to your inbox!

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