
Latticed Learning - Events Prior to Holy Week

Learn while playing with Latticed Learning!  This week's Bible story has plenty of activities to go along with it - keep reading to find out more!

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Welcome back to Latticed Learning!  This year, we're continuing to learn while we play - repeating many of our favorites from last year while adding in all sorts of new activities as well.

This day's post is devoted to our weekly Bible stories - some weeks have more activities than others, but each lesson will help your little one grow closer to God!

Read the Bible

Pages pages 418-426 in this Bible and 273-279 in this one

Read a Little More

I really only found two book possibilities this week's Bible stories:

Sing Some Songs

I was blaring this song the minute I saw what this week's stories would be:

I also found this song, if you're wanting to sing something on your own.

Watch Some Videos

This video includes the Lazarus story:

I discovered these, too:


Play and Create

We took it a little easier this week (in anticipation of next week's activities) and did just a few activities to focus on events prior to Holy Week:

We created our own little Lazarus from a toilet paper tube.

This couldn't be simpler: just glue on a couple of googly eyes, then cut a few strips of toilet paper to wrap around the tube (a drop of glue keeps it all in place).

We played this Lazarus cup game.

We re-purposed our Jonah from this week by wrapping the little guy in a bit of toilet paper.
"Lazarus, come out!"

There he is!

Gv enjoyed playing with this lift-the-flap Lazarus printable.

Gv wasn't interested in coloring this, but she did have fun flipping the flap & calling for Lazarus.  And in case you're wondering, all that stuff on the back side of the flap is a list of former state standards, because we reuse all our paper around her (we only use "new" paper if we have to - like for a mailing form or something).

Then we made this Lazarus bread, which is something Greek Orthodox Christians traditionally make on the Saturday before Palm Sunday.

While you brush the oil over these little guys, you can make a connection with the anointing of the dead.

Of course I didn't follow this recipe exactly.  I used whole wheat flour, whey instead of water, omitted the sugar and anise, and used raisins for the eyes.  I also was not able to use my stand mixer to make this dough, because while G and I did take the whole thing apart, find and order the broken gear, and clean out and re-grease the innards, we have yet to put it all back together again to see if it'll actually work.  But guess what, you can still make this with just your own two hands!

I cut a little vessel out of felt, added some drops of essential oil to it, and then pinned it to Gv's shirt to remind her of the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with costly oil.

We went with wild orange - what scent would you choose?

We also rustled up a couple of old grocery sacks to make this craft for the same story.

The clear bag (produce sack) gives a glassy effect, the brown bag represents the oil.  Just cut out pieces slightly larger than the jug, smear some glue over the whole thing, and bunch up the bags in the appropriate places.

Looking for all the great posts associated with this concept in one place?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

What's your favorite thing that we did this week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered straight to your inbox!


  1. Great roundup post! Thanks for linking up to #fridayfrivolity!! Xx

  2. I love these ideas,Thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays hop! Hope to see you next week. And have a great week,

  3. I am always amazed by the ideas you come up with to teach the bible story's Lisa

  4. Fabulous ideas for these two stories! Thanks for sharing this post at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  5. Such adorable activity ideas and I just love your snack. Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Learn. Pinned.
