
Healthy Homemade Snack Ideas Both You and Your Toddler Will Love

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healthy homemade snack ideas
A couple of months ago, I set out on a mission.  It seemed whenever Gv and I were out and about, we were both getting hungry.  I realized I needed to come up with some healthy homemade snack ideas for things I could keep on hand to just grab and bring along with us as we headed out the door.

I thought about the variety of nibbles that I saw other moms bringing for their toddlers:  pretzel sticks, cheese crackers, cheese sticks, and fruit...

I could see why these were the top choices.  After all, you want something that doesn't spoil, is portable, doesn't make (too much of) a mess, and most importantly, that the kids will actually eat.  And when you're racing to get out the door after the third diaper/outfit change (two for Gv, one for me), you just don't have time to throw anything together, so it's tempting to just throw some processed stuff into a baggie and go.

But I didn't want that.  So I set about coming up with a variety of options that were simple to make, nutritious, and that we thought tasted delicious.

I'm pretty happy with the results, and now I've gotten into such a routine with these options, it's pretty automatic to just keep making them in a rotation to keep on hand for all of those times when we're heading out the door in a rush, or just experiencing a case of the munchies here at home.

Here are my top healthy homemade snack ideas that your whole household will love and if you sign up as a subscriber, you'll receive your free printable of eight of these recipes in your inbox:

(Click on the snack titles to see the full posts!)

Chia Crackers

A crispy superfood cracker that's so simple to make, it's ridiculous!


Hummus is a great healthy dip option, as well as an easy one to bring along with you on the go.  Find our standard recipe, along with 30 other great flavor ideas, at this post!

Graham Crackers

Who doesn't love a good graham cracker?  Luckily, this version is a bit lower in sugar than most.

Sweet Potato Crackers

Our favorite crackers to eat!  These last forever without going bad or getting stale and are a great way to sneak some super sweet potatoes into tiny tummies!

Cheese Bits

We could eat nothing but cheese all day around this house, so this homemade version of the popular processed cracker is a big hit with the Healys!

Honey Nut Oat Squares

Whether you make these squares for your morning cereal or just to munch by the handful, these treats will keep you from missing that yellow box of Os completely!


Not the most portable/mess free of the bunch, but still a favorite snack choice of a certain little girl around these parts...

Banana Bread Bites

After you've tried these little wonders, you might never make a regular loaf of banana bread again!

Pumpkin Seed Squash Muffins

Another sneak‐some‐veggies‐in mom win!  These savory snacks are sure to satisfy any between‐meal belly rumbles!


An easy breakfast on the run, or for a slightly sweet snack treat.  This granola is so easy and versatile, you'll be making it all the time!

Protein Bites

There are quite a few decent healthy energy bar options out there, but these are way cheaper and incredibly easy to make!  (They make a great dessert, too!)


Hard or soft, the choice is up to you...if you've just got to get that pretzel fix, try making your own with less guilt!

Wholesome Granola Muffin Bites

A mouthful of morning comfort that's great any time of the day!

Are you constantly on the lookout for great portable snacks that are made with REAL food and that your whole family will love?  Do you find yourself reaching for what's easy (& not necessarily healthy) because you're running short on time?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like these healthy homemade snack ideas as well as all the other fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox, along with eight of these fantastic recipes in a free printable!.   

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