
Bright Blueberry Hummus

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Recently, I've been sharing some "lost recipes" I'd written over a year ago when we went blueberry picking.  Even though I'd made all my planned recipes shortly afterwards, most of the posts never got published.  Today, I'm sharing another of those forgotten gems with you.

I wouldn't typically have thought about putting blueberries in hummus (and we certainly enjoy interesting hummus ideas), but after I tried it with strawberries, I knew blueberries would work, too.  However, I never imagined how beautiful this hummus would turn out - it would definitely be a great one to include for your "purple" dip, if you held a rainbow party like this!

What You Need

2 cups blueberries

2 cups rinsed and drained chickpeas

1 teaspoon lemon juice


black pepper

What You Do 

1.  Throw everything into your handy-dandy Ninja. (Get yours here)

2.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

3.  Blend until desired consistency.

This is delicious, but not your normal hummus.  The addition of the fruit makes it a great choice for a summertime cookout - where would you like to try it out?  I'd love to hear if you try it yourself!  Comment here or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.  

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