
31 Days of Phonics Cards: Introduction

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Because I taught first and second grade for so many years, I have quite a collection of these types of cards here at home that I brought from my classroom.  There are so many ways you can use these little gems - displaying them in a pocket chart, using them as flash cards, playing matching games or other card games (like Go Fish) with them, but none of the cards I had were all that cute:
This card for "H" just doesn't put a smile on my face!

I managed to find all sorts of adorable cards while Googling (many of them for free!), but the problem was, they would so often be so wrong.

For example, the letter "C" would be represented with a circus.  Or the letter "I" would be represented by ice cream:

Let's teach the proper "i" sound first, then we can use this picture for vowels - but make it cuter! 

Yes, those letters do make those sounds and it is important to address, but the proper time is much later than a child's initial exposure to the alphabet, when the focus should be on the basic sound that each letter makes.

So, since I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for out there already, I decided to create some cards myself - and then share them with you!

You'll be able to choose whether to print out the color versions or the black and white pages (coloring, anyone?) and when this series concludes, I might just come up with a few additional variations, as well.

This will be the landing page for each post in the series (scroll down to see them), so if you ever need to find everything listed in just one place, you can head back here.  

Also, you'll be able to find a link to each week's card on the corresponding Latticed Learning post.  Not sure what Latticed Learning is all about?  Just click on the tab or follow this link to find out!

What letter are you most curious to see?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Day 1 - This introductory post
Day 2 - The letter A
Day 3 - The letter B
Day 4 - The letter C
Day 5 - The letter D
Day 6 - The letter E
Day 7 - The letter F
Day 8 - The letter G
Day 9 - The letter H
Day 10 - The letter I
Day 11 - The letter J
Day 12 - The letter K
Day 13 - The letter L
Day 14 - The letter M
Day 15 - The letter N
Day 16 - The letter O
Day 17 - The letter P
Day 18 - The letter Q
Day 19 - The letter R
Day 20 - The letter S
Day 21 - The letter T
Day 22 - The letter U
Day 23 - The letter V
Day 24 - The letter W
Day 25 - The letter 
Day 26 - The letter Y
Day 27 - The letter Z
Day 28 - Vowels
Day 29 - Digraphs
Day 30 - Dipthongs
Day 31 - Blends

Looking for the entire set in just one easy, printable download?  Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store here and find Set 1 (Letters A-Z) of these cute cards.  Set 2 (Vowels, Digraphs, Dipthongs & Blends) will be added soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox. 

This post is part of the write31days challenge!

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