
5 After 5, Least Favorite Household Tasks Edition

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 favorite household tasks and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger).  I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!

List 5 of  your least favorite household tasks

Last week I listed what I love, now it's time for those things I constantly put off...or, let's face it, just don't do.

1.  Cleaning blinds

I already told you that I wouldn't shock you with my dirt-encrusted drapes because I don't have a single curtain in my house.

Bu-ut, I do have to cover all these windows with something, so that pretty much leaves blinds as the only option.

And blinds are way worse to clean than curtains.  

There was a time when my OCD was way out of control and I would clean every single crack and crevice of the house.  Every. Single. Week.

But then I realized that a crazy-clean house was totally overrated and my time was better spent on other things.

So now I live in a world with blinds that never get cleaned - except for some really huge event (like when G and I got married and had our reception here) - and even then, "cleaning them" consists of waving a feather duster up and down a couple of times and calling it a day.

2.  Scrubbing the tub

I don't relax easily, so things like massages and soaking in the tub tend to find their homes on the Lisa List right next to visits to the doctor or dentist.

That means I'm pretty much never going to be found taking a bath (unless I'm birthing a baby, then bring on the bubbles!), so I just flat-out don't scrub the tub.

G and Gv, however, are huge fans of a good soak, so unless G has somehow found time to grade all the papers, our tub remains in a constant state of gross, which, of course, can only be banished by the arm of a good, strong man...

3.  Dusting

You probably aren't surprised to see this one on the list (see this post and this one for proof).  

One of the main reasons I'm in love with the minimalist style is because there's less stuff laying around to have to move to dust under.

So until my home looks like this, you can pretty much guarantee seeing a layer of dust over everything if you stop by for a visit.

4.  Mopping the floor

If vacuuming is one of my favorite tasks, then mopping must be one of my least favorite - because mopping's the opposite of vacuuming, right?

The worst part is, there's not a scrap of carpet anywhere in this house - it's laminate and tile all the way.

At this point, I bet you're thinking that my floors are as disgusting as my tub and fireplace ledge, right?

But you're wrong.

Because I found something to clean my floors without once having to squeeze out a mop!

I'd tell you about it here, but that just seems silly, when I've written an entire post singing the praises of my favorite cleaning tool

5.  Cleaning out the gutters

Because wet leaves and wasps' nests are not my favorite things to blindly stick my bare hands into while perched precariously on the top no standing step of the ladder - and telling my rambunctious toddler that I am not interested in turning the whole experience into an amusement-park ride while she rocks the whole apparatus back and forth.

Oh, I know all about those things called gardening gloves, but I'm so used to my stretchy one-size-fits-all skating gloves, I can't stand having anything else on my hands that doesn't hug my obnoxiously long, skinny fingers like a glove.  (You knew I couldn't resist that one!)

Now, despite my dislike of this task, I like having a roof without holes over my head even more, so at least twice a year, I suck it up and make the climb and clean those gutters out good.

For next week:

List 5 of your favorite art pieces

Looking at all that great art during our recent Latticed Learning fun had me exclaiming, "That's my favorite!" for just about every one.

But I'm thinking that surely I can narrow down my very favorites to a list of five...


What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

 Linked up with: Social Butterfly Sunday, Homeschool Nook Link UpHappiness is Homemade,  Merry MondayMotivation MondayThoughtful SpotWhat'd You Do This WeekendMade for KidsMeet Up MondayTotally Terrific TuesdayLittle Learning Link Up,Tuesday Pinspiration,Let's Be Friends Blog HopTwo Uses TuesdayHip Homeschool HopLou Lou Girls Fabulous Party Tell it to Me Tuesday,  Talented Tuesday, Wordless WednesdayA Little Bird Told MeWFMWEverything Early Childhood, The Mommy Club, Creative MusterParty in Your PJs, The Ladies Collective,  A Little R&R WednesdaysThis Is How We Roll, Creative WaysHearts for HomeCreative Exchange 100 Happy DaysHomeschooling SecretsShine Blog Hop, Yum Tum Linky, No Rules Weekend Blog PartyThursday Favorite ThingsI'm Lovin' It,Kitchen Fun & Crafty, Inspiration SpotlightHome MattersPretty Pintastic PartyWeekend PotluckAwesome Life FridayCreative CollectionThe Beautifully Creative Inspired Family Fun FridayFriday FrivolityBloggers SpotlightMake My Saturday SweetWeekend Wind-Down Party,


  1. YES blinds are the worst! And I actually am not fond of steam mopping either, which makes me wonder if my model is just crappy? For mine, you have to leave it in the same place for 15 seconds to
    consider that spot sanitized, which means I'm mopping in 15 second intervals and yes I have to count because longer risks damaging the floors *rolls eyes* Does that sound like a standard annoyance or do I need to upgrade? Cuz seriously, using mine is such a pain... please don't look closely at my floors if you ever drop by from Florida....

    1. PS I totally was inspired by this exchange to steam mop my floors... and I took a page from your book and wet the steam cloth with vinegar and I felt like my floors got SO much cleaner... I might be addicted now.

      Do you understand how crazy this is???? You have converted me into a steam mop lover!!

  2. Cringe! I could not agree with you more! I might add ironing in there. I am horrible at it! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)
