
5 After 5, Broadway Edition

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 of the best musical dance numbers from movies and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger).  I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!

List 5 Broadway shows you've seen (or want to)

This list once again proved to be more difficult than I expected.  There are just so many fabulous shows that have played over the years and I'm one of the lucky souls who has been fortunate enough to see my fair share of them.

I did manage to come up with five (although I cheated a bit on one of them) and I'm so anxious to hear what your list is, too!

1.  Stomp


Back in high school, one of my favorite times of year was the fall football season.  That's because our school was extremely spirit-oriented, and had all sorts of pep rallies and homecoming parades and pow wows with the marching band's drum section leading them all.

Even today, there's just something about a marching band that penetrates me - when I hear those drums beating out a zippy tune, I just have to get up and move.

So when I heard of a new Broadway production that featured every percussion instrument (and even everyday objects being used as a percussion instrument!), I knew I had to go see it.

I'm sure this show is no longer playing, but if it were, I dare anyone to sit through it without tapping your feet the entire time! 

2.  Chicago


I'd actually first encountered the genius of Bob Fosse in the production Fosse.  While watching that, I realized how many great shows he was credited with.

But my favorite is Chicago, and while the movie was well-done and also loads of fun, it just can't compare to the Great White Way version!

3.  The Big Three

I'm pretty much cheating with this one, but I just don't think I can choose between these shows.  I was a drama geek in high school - not that I had time for any extra-curricular plays or anything due my skating, but I took drama as a class all four years and explored some involvement in Hollywood East a bit before skating blotted out every extra moment of my time.

We had a lot of amazing singers in our drama class - they would just sit around singing songs from The Big Three all period long, day after day - everyone was pretty much obsessed with these productions, so of course the soundtracks were on my wishlist come Christmastime.

I've listened to these three albums (made up of 2 CDs each!) countless times and despite the fact that I have no voice, there are certain tracks that I just have to belt out at the top of my lungs whenever I hear them.

Lucky for everyone else sitting in the theater audience, I did not vocalize any of the songs when I got to see these shows in person, but you can bet I was singing them at full-volume, in my head.

So what are they?  The Phantom of the OperaLes Misérables, and Miss Saigon.  And they are all fabulous!




4.  The Will Rogers Follies

My parents and I visited NYC after I graduated high school and seeing a Broadway show was one of the top items on our itinerary.

There were so many great productions out at the time, but my mom felt this splashy musical would be the best choice.

And she was right.

It was so much fun and just embodied all that a huge-scale Broadway musical production should be.

And there are still days, when I'm feeling a little blue, that I'll pop in the soundtrack to get a quick pick-me-up  - you just can't help but smile when you listen to these songs!

5.  Riverdance


Long before this Irish-dance sensation exploded on the scene, I was a huge fan.  I'd happened upon a little snippet of the original Eurovision performance on my local PBS station way back in the mid-nineties and from that moment on, I was obsessed.

I bought the music, taped the shows and documentaries off television, and even got my hands on an instructional video so that I could learn how to do some of the steps myself (which is the most exhausting workout known to man, by the way!)

So it's no surprise that any time the show came anywhere within a two-hour drive of home, I went to see it.

And it never got old.

This is easily my absolute favorite Broadways show!

For next week:

List your top 5 movies of your favorite actor (or actress)

Do you have a favorite actor or actress?  And if so, are you like me and make it your mission to see absolutely everything he or she has ever made?  

Come back next week to find out which movie star shines brightest in my world, and just which movies of his (ooh, that narrows it down to men) I think are the best.  I can't wait to find out yours, too!

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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