Project Snapshot, Week 139

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The goal of this post is to capture a memory from the past week, either with a camera, words, or both.  Time passes in the blink of an eye and this will create a collection of treasured memories from throughout the year.

My Snapshot(s)

Nothing fancy about this photo, but it captures something so special.

G will often put on music and dance with Gv - sometimes in the classic her-feet-on-his style, sometimes holding her normally in his arms and sometimes up on his shoulders, like here.

On this occasion, Gv bent down to plant a kiss on his forehead, thanking him for their little dance.

It's times like this when my heart feels about to burst.

I'm so blessed to have these two in my life!

What was your favorite memory from this past week?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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