
5 After 5, Salad Edition

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 fun fall activities and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here and catch up on all the old editions here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And this series is now a link party, so be sure to scroll down and join in all the fun with us this week!

List 5 of your favorite salads

We eat salad every night - and out of this monstrosity, no less:

So if you haven't already guessed, we like our greens (Popeye would be so proud).

Despite all that roughage, we don't really deviate from our typical salad combination (see #1 below), so for once, this list ended up being pretty simple for me:

1.  Typical salad combo 

In all my laziness, I have come up with the easiest "recipe" for salad ever.  

You start by dumping an entire box of greens into your bowl (because that's how much we eat at one sitting, people) and then add in a fruit/veggie option (craisins, raisins, apple, cranberries, beets, tomatoes, avocado, onion...whatever we have that is at eye-level on the counter or in the fridge).

Now you sprinkle on some nuts or seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, walnuts, pecans, or - when nothing else is on sale - almonds).

Add in some cheese (although we've been trying really hard to cut back - we have a little bit of a cheese problem, you see) and then load the whole thing up with spices (garlic - of course - along with basil, whatever else we're in the mood for, and salt & pepper) before dousing it liberally with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

2.  Greek

I'm a little gaga over Greek food, so if we're out and I have the choice, I always opt for the Greek salad.  If that's not available, then I'll settle for the Caesar, but all that saltiness from the feta and olives really floats my boat the best. 

3.  Blueberries

When it's blueberry season and we come home with a few too many buckets, I'll start throwing them into a salad like this every night.

4.  Strawberries

Strawberries are a big deal down here in our neck of the woods (kids even get a "Strawberry Festival" day off of school!), so they're a pretty popular thing to pick when the timing is right.

Whether we bring home too many berries or not, I always make sure to serve this delicious salad treat as often as I can each strawberry season.

5.  Chicken

Okay, this isn't exactly the type of salad the rest of this post has been about, but trust me, this delicious chicken salad is well worth the sneaky rule-bending.

We make it every year for the big Pops in the Park event that we attend and I'm already counting down the days (there are just 21!) until I can stuff my face with this. 

For next week:

List 5 books you're planning to read this fall

Do you like to read seasonal books, or are you like me and just have a never-ending list that you're constantly chugging through?

I can't wait to hear which titles are on your list!

And now, here's this week's link party!  Two other fabulous bloggers have teamed up with me to create lists of five each week and we hope that you'll join us, too!

That's right, every post will be read, pinned and tweeted!  

Every Saturday, just stop by one of our three blogs to add your own list of five, then pop over and read as many other posts as you're able to each week - treat it like a true party and really mix it up and mingle with our fun little community!

The rules are simple:  just write your own list following the prompt each week (feel free to interpret it loosely - or in a unique way!), follow each of the three hosts on the social media channel of your choice, and then get into the spirit of the party by grabbing your favorite beverage or snack and reading the lists of the other party-goers.

Your Hosts:

Lisa, at Syncopated MamaFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Google+ // Bloglovin'
Samantha, at Motivated DaysFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Google+ 
Heather Marie at Life, Love, and LasagnaFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram // Bloglovin'

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

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