But now, you'll have a list of 31 unique games that even a 3-year-old can join in with. A few of these ideas will be best for the preschool set, but most will work for a wide range of ages!
Click on over here to see the full list, but read on for this great game idea!
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I can't help but have song #13 off this album stuck in my head when I think of this!
This matching card game can be played with any set of alphabet cards (have you downloaded your set of these yet?), but if you're looking for a sturdy, pre-packaged version that will hold up over time, this adorably-illustrated deck is a great choice.
Alphabet Soup
Players: 1 +
Ages: 3 +
Place: a spot large enough to lay all the cards out
Equipment: this game
How to play: There are many variations to this game, but the basic way to play it is to lay all the cards face-down (usually in a matrix) and take turns flipping two cards over at a time.
If these cards match (this featured deck has one card showing the upper & lower-case letters and one with the word to go along with each colorful beginning-letter-sound picture), then the player keeps the cards and takes another turn.
If the cards don't match, they are turned over again and the next player tries to find a match. This game obviously works the memory along with letter skills.
To make the game easier, players can lay all of the cards face-up and just try to find matches.
Another way to adapt this game for younger players is to limit the number of cards - perhaps only using the letters a child is struggling with, or those the child already knows well.
Whichever way it's played, this game can provide plenty of fun while sneaking in some learning at the same time!
How many different ways can you think of to play this basic matching game? I'd love to hear! Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.
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Looking for other fun ideas of things to do with your little one? Check out my Latticed Learning page here!