31 Games - Follow the Leader

Is your 3-year-old the youngest of the family, or are all the kids your child plays with close to that same age?  If so, then you know how difficult it can be to find ways for them to all be involved in the fun and games - so many choices are just too advanced for this age.

But now, you'll have a list of 31 unique games that even a 3-year-old can join in with.  A few of these ideas will be best for the preschool set, but most will work for a wide range of ages!

Click on over here to see the full list, but read on for this great game idea!

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Am I the only one who has this earworm after reading that title?  At least it's a fun one!

I'm sure you're familiar with this game - it's one that can go on and on and on, providing endless amounts of fun.  

Figure skaters even play their own version of this called "add on" to get away with a little bit of fun and games amidst all the endless hours of training! 

Follow the Leader

Players:  3+

Ages:  3 +

Place:  anywhere you can romp around easily - playgrounds with obstacles are especially fun (& so's the ice!)

Equipment:  only an imagination

How to play:  The players line up behind an initial leader - who goes through different actions (running, jumping, somersaulting, hopping, etc.) with everyone behind repeating it all.

This game can be played competitively - with players dropping out when they can't mimic a move correctly, until one follower is left to become the new leader.

Or, this game can be played for fun, with everyone following along the best they can and the next person in line becoming the new leader every couple of minutes or so.

Have you played a game like this before?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of great tips like this and all the fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox.

Looking for other fun ideas of things to do with your little one?  Check out my Latticed Learning page here!

This post is part of the write31days challenge!