God-Confident Kids by Cyndie Claypool de Neve

Helping your child find true purpose, passion, and peace!

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This book grabbed my attention; after all, who doesn't want their kids to find true purpose, passion and peace?

I was intrigued by the title. I suspected it had something to do with self-confidence and I was hoping that the author had found a way for parents to instill positive self-feelings in our children without creating a house full of tiny narcissists in the process...

...and I was pleasantly surprised!

So much of this book is focused at deriving all of our feelings of worth and confidence from God and really directs our attentions to Him in all aspects of life, which is really what we should be doing as Christians, anyway.

For that reason alone, I think this book is great. But the text also spent quite a bit of time focused on helping our kids deal with fear and anxiety...which just happen to be two of my largest struggles in life.

This book is infused with dozens of Scripture verses that we can turn to for help. I found myself starting a list of verses to add to my "calming list" (verses that I've relied on to help get me through some of the toughest trials in my life) and I might be 80 before I've managed to memorize them all.

But that's a good problem to have, right?

Other helpful parenting topics this book touches on are: considering a child's personality type, encouraging children to discover their passions, the importance of fostering a community around your child, and how to ensure that our kids surround themselves with positive influences.

This book turned out to be so much more than I expected and I'm still processing all the notes I scribbled down while reading it!

If you're currently a Christian parent, I highly encourage you to read this book. And if you're not a parent, but happen to be a human, then I highly encourage you to read this book -- unless you happen to be laser-focused on Christ at all times and never struggle with any fear or confidence issues at all.

Find a copy of this helpful, quick-read book here and allow its hopeful message to transform your life as both a parent and a person!

This was a book I was thankful to have read in a quiet space, when my mind could really process and reflect on its words. Do you ever struggle to quiet your brain and reflect on what you read?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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