
31 Days of Great Children's Music: Sesame Street Platinum All-Time Favorites

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here

Ah, Sesame Street.  This album choice is probably a little obvious, but do these classic puppets really ever go out of style?

It's pretty obvious that Sesame Street had quite the influence on my childhood and listening to its many familiar songs always brings a smile to my face.

My favorite songs on this album are the oldies but goodies, but I have to admit that the newer songs are pretty cute, too.  I'm even becoming an Elmo fan, and he wasn't even a part of "the neighborhood" back when I was watching the show.  


  • The opening theme to the show always makes me think of playground activities like jumping rope and playing hopscotch.  Head outside to try one of these or a game of tag.
  • Read one of the alphabet books suggested in Day 10's post, or create a playlist of all the versions of The Alphabet Song that you have from different albums.
  • Make a list of all the people in your neighborhood.  Take time to pray for them, or make a point to do something special for one neighbor each week.  The Happy Home Fairy always has cute ideas of ways to bless others - here's a cute one to try for Valentine's Day.  Or, do you have a new neighbor?  The Happy Money Saver has a clever (& frugal) idea for welcoming someone new to your neck of the woods.
  • Create a bathtub tradition of singing Rubber Duckie while filling the tub and gathering bath toys.
  • Grab some crayons and color!  I've always enjoyed coloring books that have simple drawings in them and the Sesame Street characters in these coloring books are just that!

To Watch

We recently spent some time visiting G's family down in Miami, which is where Gv watched her first episode of Sesame Street.  It was cute, but I think I prefer the "vintage" Sesame Street of my youth.  I think I'll end up mainly showing her episodes and clips like these:

To Read

Hands down, Gv's favorite book at the moment is Happy Birthday, Big Bird!  Our copy has been "operated on" so many times by the "tape doctor," I'm surprised there's any original cardboard left!  We also have Cookie Monster's Book of Seasons, but I've hidden that one away for the day that other book has to be permanently retired.  

I'm having a difficult time refraining from purchasing this adorable Elmo ABC flap book, but, ahem, we don't have a shortage of books in this house:


More Music

Check out some of these other Sesame Street albums of children's songs:

 Am I the only one who enjoys Sesame Street?  Do you prefer the current version, or the classic episodes and children's songs from your childhood?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Linked up with:
Merry Monday
Thoughtful Spot
Motivation Monday
Mom 2 Mom Monday
Good Tips Tuesday
Totally Terrific Tuesday
Tuesday Tutorials
The Mommy Club 
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Works for Me Wednesday
A Little Bird Told Me
Thrifty Thursday
Creative Ways
Creative Exchange
Hearts for Home
Frugal Family Linky
This is How We Roll
I'm Lovin' It
Kitchen Fun & Crafty
Pretty Pintastic Party
Awesome Life Friday 


  1. I love your series idea and your blog name! I'm doing a music one too, though not solely focusing on kids music. Hope you have a wonderful day! :)

  2. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Abigail, and for stopping by and saying hello! I love your blog name, too!

  3. I'm with you in preferring the classic episodes--although the current Sesame Street remains one of the better children's programs on TV. I feel that the older shows were more "real" and just have a nice warmth and silliness.

    My partner still has his set of 45rpm records of Sesame Street songs! My favorite is "Up and Down".

  4. I haven't seen this one! I would love for my son to watch Sesame Street. He just got interested in Blue Clues so I am always on YouTube trying to find videos for him to watch so he can sing. It's so adorable when he sings! Thanks for linking up to Totally Terrific Tuesday last week! I can't wait to see what you have to share this week!


  5. One of the favorite things I did with my daughter when she was younger was dance and sing to music! Thanks for linking to the This is How We Roll Link Party. See you on Thursday!
