Wow! The Good News in Four Words by Dandi Daley Mackall

A whimsical little book that presents the gospel to young children in only four words!

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I received a free copy of this product by Tyndale Kids in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

If you're looking for a book that communicates the Good News in a unique way, then you'll want to be sure to check this one out:

This clever hardback book outlines the gospel in a simple and memorable way by using just four words (Wow! Uh-Oh. Yes! & Ahh.) to convey God's story. 

"Wow" is associated with Creation, "Uh-Oh" with the Fall, "Yes" with Jesus' life and sacrifice and "Ahh" with Restoration -- simple terms that children (& grown-ups) will understand and remember.

I appreciated the "Note to Parents" page at the beginning of the book. Not only did it outline the concept of this project, but the author makes the point that parents should encourage children to shout out each focus word as they encounter them in the text.

That means not only will your little ones be engaged with the book from the get-go, but -- bonus! -- they'll pick up a few sight words along the way!

It's no secret that I love a good rhyming book, so the fact that the words both rhyme and flow seamlessly across the pages help propel this title to the top of my faith-based-kid-book list.

The fun illustrations also help solidify this book's high position in my list, because they are bright, colorful, appealing and definitely worth lingering on as you progress through the pages.

A final aspect that makes this book stand out is the inclusion of the "For Further Study" pages at the end.

This section takes each of the four words and lists several pertinent Bible verses that support each theme.

This book is most likely aimed at preschool and primary-aged children, but I would have definitely started reading this to Gv as a baby and I feel that it's also one of those great picture books that any age can enjoy.

Grab a copy for your family here and start sharing the Good News with your kids in a fresh, new way!

Have you seen many books like this that are aimed at conveying the gospel message to children in such a natural manner? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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